NPP Core | Basic functions for library management, in particular library version and device property query functions |
NPP Type Definitions and Constants | Definitions of types, structures, enumerations and constants available in the library |
Basic NPP Data Types | Definitions of basic types available in the library |
NPP Image Processing | The set of image processing functions available in the library |
Arithmetic and Logical Operations | These functions can be found in the nppial library |
Arithmetic Operations | The set of image processing arithmetic operations available in the library |
AddC | Adds a constant value to each pixel of an image |
MulC | Multiplies each pixel of an image by a constant value |
MulCScale | Multiplies each pixel of an image by a constant value then scales the result by the maximum value for the data bit width |
SubC | Subtracts a constant value from each pixel of an image |
DivC | Divides each pixel of an image by a constant value |
AbsDiffC | Determines absolute difference between each pixel of an image and a constant value |
Add | Pixel by pixel addition of two images |
AddSquare | Pixel by pixel addition of squared pixels from source image to floating point pixel values of destination image |
AddProduct | Pixel by pixel addition of product of pixels from two source images to floating point pixel values of destination image |
AddWeighted | Pixel by pixel addition of alpha weighted pixel values from a source image to floating point pixel values of destination image |
Mul | Pixel by pixel multiply of two images |
MulScale | Pixel by pixel multiplies each pixel of two images then scales the result by the maximum value for the data bit width |
Sub | Pixel by pixel subtraction of two images |
Div | Pixel by pixel division of two images |
Div_Round | Pixel by pixel division of two images using result rounding modes |
Abs | Absolute value of each pixel value in an image |
AbsDiff | Pixel by pixel absolute difference between two images |
Sqr | Square each pixel in an image |
Sqrt | Pixel by pixel square root of each pixel in an image |
Ln | Pixel by pixel natural logarithm of each pixel in an image |
Exp | Exponential value of each pixel in an image |
Logical Operations | The set of image processing logical operations available in the library |
AndC | Pixel by pixel logical and of an image with a constant |
OrC | Pixel by pixel logical or of an image with a constant |
XorC | Pixel by pixel logical exclusive or of an image with a constant |
RShiftC | Pixel by pixel right shift of an image by a constant value |
LShiftC | Pixel by pixel left shift of an image by a constant value |
And | Pixel by pixel logical and of images |
Or | Pixel by pixel logical or of images |
Xor | Pixel by pixel logical exclusive or of images |
Not | Pixel by pixel logical not of image |
Alpha Composition | The set of alpha composition operations available in the library |
AlphaCompC | Composite two images using constant alpha values |
AlphaPremulC | Premultiplies pixels of an image using a constant alpha value |
AlphaComp | Composite two images using alpha opacity values contained in each image |
AlphaPremul | Premultiplies image pixels by image alpha opacity values |
Color and Sampling Conversion | Routines manipulating an image's color model and sampling format |
Color Model Conversion | Routines for converting between various image color models |
RGBToYUV | RGB to YUV color conversion |
BGRToYUV | BGR to YUV color conversion |
YUVToRGB | YUV to RGB color conversion |
YUVToRGBBatch | YUV to RGB batch color conversion with a single Region-of-Interest (ROI) for all pairs of input/output images provided in batches |
YUVToRGBBatchAdvanced | YUV to RGB batch color conversion where each pair of input/output images from provided batches has own Region-of-Interest (ROI) |
YUVToBGR | YUV to BGR color conversion |
YUVToBGRBatch | YUV to BGR batch color conversion with a single Region-of-Interest (ROI) for all pairs of input/output images provided in batches |
YUVToBGRBatchAdvanced | YUV to BGR batch color conversion where each pair of input/output images from provided batches has own Region-of-Interest (ROI) |
RGBToYUV422 | RGB to YUV422 color conversion |
YUV422ToRGB | YUV422 to RGB color conversion |
YUV422ToRGBBatch | Planar YUV422 to packed RGB batch color conversion with a single Region-of-Interest (ROI) for all pairs of input/output images provided in batches |
YUV422ToRGBBatchAdvanced | Planar YUV422 to packed RGB batch color conversion where each pair of input/output images from provided batches has own Region-of-Interest (ROI) |
YUV422ToBGRBatch | Planar YUV422 to packed BGR batch color conversion with a single Region-of-Interest (ROI) for all pairs of input/output images provided in batches |
YUV422ToBGRBatchAdvanced | Planar YUV422 to packed BGR batch color conversion where each pair of input/output images from provided batches has own Region-of-Interest (ROI) |
RGBToYUV420 | RGB to YUV420 color conversion |
YUV420ToRGB | YUV420 to RGB color conversion |
YUV420ToRGBBatch | Planar YUV420 to packed RGB batch color conversion with a single Region-of-Interest (ROI) for all pairs of input/output images provided in batches |
YUV420ToRGBBatchAdvanced | Planar YUV420 to packed RGB batch color conversion where each pair of input/output images from provided batches has own Region-of-Interest (ROI) |
NV12ToRGB | NV12 to RGB color conversion |
NV21ToRGB | NV21 to RGB color conversion |
BGRToYUV420 | BGR to YUV420 color conversion |
YUV420ToBGR | YUV420 to BGR color conversion |
YUV420ToBGRBatch | Planar YUV420 to packed BGR batch color conversion with a single Region-of-Interest (ROI) for all pairs of input/output images provided in batches |
YUV420ToBGRBatchAdvanced | Planar YUV420 to packed BGR batch color conversion where each pair of input/output images from provided batches has own Region-of-Interest (ROI) |
NV12ToBGR | NV12 to BGR color conversion |
NV21ToBGR | NV21 to BGR color conversion |
RGBToYCbCr | RGB to YCbCr color conversion |
YCbCrToRGB | YCbCr to RGB color conversion |
YCbCrToRGBBatch | YCbCr to RGB batch color conversion with a single Region-of-Interest (ROI) for all pairs of input/output images provided in batches |
YCbCrToRGBBatchAdvanced | YCbCr to RGB batch color conversion where each pair of input/output images from provided batches has own Region-of-Interest (ROI) |
YCbCrToBGR | YCbCr to BGR color conversion |
YCbCrToBGRBatch | YCbCr to BGR batch color conversion with a single Region-of-Interest (ROI) for all pairs of input/output images provided in batches |
YCbCrToBGRBatchAdvanced | YCbCr to BGR batch color conversion where each pair of input/output images from provided batches has own Region-of-Interest (ROI) |
YCbCrToBGR_709CSC | YCbCr to BGR_709CSC color conversion |
RGBToYCbCr422 | RGB to YCbCr422 color conversion |
YCbCr422ToRGB | YCbCr422 to RGB color conversion |
YCbCr422ToRGBBatch | Planar YCbCr422 to packed RGB batch color conversion with a single Region-of-Interest (ROI) for all pairs of input/output images provided in batches |
YCbCr422ToRGBBatchAdvanced | Planar YCbCr422 to packed RGB batch color conversion where each pair of input/output images from provided batches has own Region-of-Interest (ROI) |
RGBToYCrCb422 | RGB to YCrCb422 color conversion |
YCrCb422ToRGB | YCrCb422 to RGB color conversion |
BGRToYCbCr422 | BGR to YCbCr422 color conversion |
YCbCr422ToBGR | YCbCr422 to BGR color conversion |
YCbCr422ToBGRBatch | Planar YCbCr422 to packed BGR batch color conversion with a single Region-of-Interest (ROI) for all pairs of input/output images provided in batches |
YCbCr422ToBGRBatchAdvanced | Planar YCbCr422 to packed BGR batch color conversion where each pair of input/output images from provided batches has own Region-of-Interest (ROI) |
RGBToCbYCr422 | RGB to CbYCr422 color conversion |
CbYCr422ToRGB | CbYCr422 to RGB color conversion |
BGRToCbYCr422 | BGR to CbYCr422 color conversion |
BGRToCbYCr422_709HDTV | BGR to CbYCr422_709HDTV color conversion |
CbYCr422ToBGR | CbYCr422 to BGR color conversion |
CbYCr422ToBGR_709HDTV | CbYCr422 to BGR_709HDTV color conversion |
RGBToYCbCr420 | RGB to YCbCr420 color conversion |
YCbCr420ToRGB | YCbCr420 to RGB color conversion |
YCbCr420ToRGBBatch | Planar YCbCr420 to packed RGB batch color conversion with a single Region-of-Interest (ROI) for all pairs of input/output images provided in batches |
YCbCr420ToRGBBatchAdvanced | Planar YCbCr420 to packed RGB batch color conversion where each pair of input/output images from provided batches has own Region-of-Interest (ROI) |
RGBToYCrCb420 | RGB to YCrCb420 color conversion |
YCrCb420ToRGB | YCrCb420 to RGB color conversion |
BGRToYCbCr420 | BGR to YCbCr420 color conversion |
BGRToYCbCr420_709CSC | BGR to YCbCr420_709CSC color conversion |
BGRToYCbCr420_709HDTV | BGR to YCbCr420_709HDTV color conversion |
BGRToYCrCb420_709CSC | BGR to YCrCb420_709CSC color conversion |
YCbCr420ToBGR | YCbCr420 to BGR color conversion |
YCbCr420ToBGRBatch | Planar YCbCr420 to packed BGR batch color conversion with a single Region-of-Interest (ROI) for all pairs of input/output images provided in batches |
YCbCr420ToBGRBatchAdvanced | Planar YCbCr420 to packed BGR batch color conversion where each pair of input/output images from provided batches has own Region-of-Interest (ROI) |
YCbCr420ToBGR_709CSC | YCbCr420_709CSC to BGR color conversion |
YCbCr420ToBGR_709HDTV | YCbCr420_709HDTV to BGR color conversion |
BGRToYCrCb420 | BGR to YCrCb420 color conversion |
BGRToYCbCr411 | BGR to YCbCr411 color conversion |
RGBToYCbCr411 | RGB to YCbCr411 color conversion |
BGRToYCbCr | BGR to YCbCr color conversion |
YCbCr411ToBGR | YCbCr411 to BGR color conversion |
YCbCr411ToRGB | YCbCr411 to RGB color conversion |
RGBToXYZ | RGB to XYZ color conversion |
XYZToRGB | XYZ to RGB color conversion |
RGBToLUV | RGB to LUV color conversion |
LUVToRGB | LUV to RGB color conversion |
BGRToLab | BGR to Lab color conversion |
LabToBGR | Lab to BGR color conversion |
RGBToYCC | RGB to PhotoYCC color conversion |
YCCToRGB | PhotoYCC to RGB color conversion |
RGBToHLS | RGB to HLS color conversion |
HLSToRGB | HLS to RGB color conversion |
BGRToHLS | BGR to HLS color conversion |
HLSToBGR | HLS to BGR color conversion |
RGBToHSV | RGB to HSV color conversion |
HSVToRGB | HSV to RGB color conversion |
JPEG Color Conversion | The set of JPEG color conversion functions available in the library |
ColorToGray Conversion | Routines for converting color images to grayscale |
ColorDebayer | Grayscale Color Filter Array to RGB Color Debayer conversion |
Color Sampling Format Conversion | Routines for converting between various image color sampling formats |
Color Gamma Correction | Routines for correcting image color gamma |
Complement Color Key | Routines for performing complement color key replacement |
Color Processing | Routines for performing image color manipulation |
ColorTwist | Routines for converting between various image color models using user supplied matrix coefficients |
ColorTwistBatch | Routines for converting between various image color models using user supplied matrix coefficients on batches of images |
ColorLUT | Perform image color processing using members of various types of color look up tables |
ColorLUTLinear | Perform image color processing using linear interpolation between members of various types of color look up tables |
ColorLUTCubic | Perform image color processing using linear interpolation between members of various types of color look up tables |
ColorLUTTrilinear | Perform image color processing using 3D trilinear interpolation between members of various types of color look up tables |
ColorLUTPalette | Perform image color processing using various types of bit range restricted palette color look up tables |
Compression | Image compression primitives |
Quantization Functions | The set of quantization functions available in the library |
Data Exchange and Initialization | Functions for initializing, copying and converting image data |
Image Set Operations | Functions for setting all pixels within the ROI to a specific value |
Set | Functions for setting all pixels within the ROI to a specific value |
Masked Set | The masked set primitives have an additional "mask image" input |
Channel Set | The selected-channel set primitives set a single color channel in multi-channel images to a given value |
Image Copy Operations | Functions for copying image pixels |
Copy | Copy pixels from one image to another |
Masked Copy | The masked copy primitives have an additional "mask image" input |
Channel Copy | The channel copy primitives copy a single color channel from a multi-channel source image to any other color channel in a multi-channel destination image |
Extract Channel Copy | The channel extract primitives copy a single color channel from a multi-channel source image to singl-channel destination image |
Insert Channel Copy | The channel insert primitives copy a single-channel source image into one of the color channels in a multi-channel destination image |
Packed To Planar Channel Copy | Split a packed multi-channel image into multiple single channel planes |
Planar To Packed Channel Copy | Combine multiple image planes into a packed multi-channel image |
Copy Constant Border | Methods for copying images and padding borders with a constant, user-specifiable color |
Copy Replicate Border | Methods for copying images and padding borders with a replicates of the nearest source image pixel color |
Copy Wrap Border | Methods for copying images and padding borders with wrapped replications of the source image pixel colors |
Copy Sub-Pixel | Functions for copying linearly interpolated images using source image subpixel coordinates |
Convert Bit Depth | Functions for converting bit depth without scaling |
Convert To Increased Bit Depth | The integer conversion methods do not involve any scaling |
Convert To Decreased Bit Depth | The integer conversion methods do not involve any scaling |
Scale Bit Depth | Functions for scaling bit depth up or down |
Scale To Higher Bit Depth | Functions for scaling images to higher bit depth |
Scale To Lower Bit Depth | Functions for scaling images to lower bit depth |
Duplicate Channel | Functions for duplicating a single channel image in a multiple channel image |
Transpose | Functions for transposing images of various types |
Swap Channels | Functions for swapping and duplicating channels in multiple channel images |
Filtering Functions | Linear and non-linear image filtering functions |
1D Linear Filter | The set of 1D linear filtering functions available in the library |
FilterColumn | Apply convolution filter with user specified 1D column of weights |
FilterColumnBorder | General purpose 1D convolution column filter with border control |
FilterColumn32f | FilterColumn using floating-point weights |
FilterColumnBorder32f | General purpose 1D column convolution filter using floating-point weights with border control |
FilterRow | Apply convolution filter with user specified 1D row of weights |
FilterRowBorder | General purpose 1D convolution row filter with border control |
FilterRow32f | FilterRow using floating-point weights |
FilterRowBorder32f | General purpose 1D row convolution filter using floating-point weights with border control |
1D Window Sum | The set of 1D window sum functions available in the library |
1D Window Column Sum | 1D mask Window Column Sum for 8 and 16 bit images |
1D Window Row Sum | 1D mask Window Row Sum for 8 and 16 bit images |
1D Window Sum with Border Control | The set of 1D window sum functions with border control available in the library |
1D Window Column Sum Border | 1D mask Window Column Sum for 8 and 16 bit images with border control |
1D Window Row Sum Border | 1D mask Window Row Sum for 8 and 16 bit images with border control |
Convolution | The set convolution functions available in the library |
Filter | General purpose 2D convolution filter |
Filter32f | General purpose 2D convolution filter using floating point weights |
FilterBorder | General purpose 2D convolution filter with border control |
FilterBorder32f | General purpose 2D convolution filter using floating-point weights with border control |
2D Fixed Linear Filters | The set of 2D fixed linear filtering functions available in the library |
FilterBox | Computes the average pixel values of the pixels under a rectangular mask |
FilterBoxBorder | Computes the average pixel values of the pixels under a rectangular mask with border control |
FilterThresholdAdaptiveBoxBorder | Computes the average pixel values of the pixels under a square mask with border control |
Rank Filters | The set of functions providing min/max/median values for rectangular mask region with/without border available in the library |
FilterMax | Result pixel value is the maximum of pixel values under the rectangular mask region |
FilterMaxBorder | Result pixel value is the maximum of pixel values under the rectangular mask region with border control |
FilterMin | Result pixel value is the minimum of pixel values under the rectangular mask region |
FilterMinBorder | Result pixel value is the minimum of pixel values under the rectangular mask region with border control |
FilterMedian | Result pixel value is the median of pixel values under the rectangular mask region |
Fixed Filters | Fixed filters perform linear filtering operations (such as convolutions) with predefined kernels of fixed sizes |
FilterPrewitt | Filters the image using a Prewitt filter kernel |
FilterPrewittBorder | Filters the image using a Prewitt filter kernel with border control |
FilterScharr | Filters the image using a Scharr filter kernel |
FilterScharrBorder | Filters the image using a Scharr filter kernel with border control |
FilterSobel | Filters the image using a Sobel filter kernel |
FilterSobelBorder | Filters the image using a Sobel filter kernel with border control |
FilterRoberts | Filters the image using a Roberts filter kernel |
FilterRobertsBorder | Filters the image using a Roberts filter kernel with border control |
FilterLaplace | Filters the image using a Laplacian filter kernel |
FilterLaplaceBorder | Filters the image using a Laplacian filter kernel with border control |
FilterGauss | Filters the image using a Gaussian filter kernel |
FilterGaussAdvanced | Filters the image using a separable Gaussian filter kernel with user supplied floating point coefficients: |
FilterGaussBorder | Filters the image using a Gaussian filter kernel with border control |
FilterGaussAdvancedBorder | Filters the image using a separable Gaussian filter kernel with user supplied floating point coefficients with border control |
FilterGaussPyramidLayerDownBorder | Filters the image using a separable Gaussian filter kernel with user supplied floating point coefficients with downsampling and border control |
FilterGaussPyramidLayerUpBorder | Filters the image using a separable Gaussian filter kernel with user supplied floating point coefficients with upsampling and border control |
FilterBilateralGaussBorder | Filters the image using a bilateral Gaussian filter kernel with border control |
FilterHighPass | Filters the image using a high-pass filter kernel |
FilterHighPassBorder | Filters the image using a high-pass filter kernel with border control |
FilterLowPass | Filters the image using a low-pass filter kernel |
FilterLowPassBorder | Filters the image using a low-pass filter kernel with border control |
FilterSharpen | Filters the image using a sharpening filter kernel: |
FilterSharpenBorder | Filters the image using a sharpening filter kernel with border control |
FilterUnsharpBorder | Filters the image using a unsharp-mask sharpening filter kernel with border control |
FilterWienerBorder | Noise removal filtering of an image using an adaptive Wiener filter with border control |
GradientVectorPrewittBorder | RGB Color to Prewitt Gradient Vector conversion using user selected fixed mask size and gradient distance method |
GradientVectorScharrBorder | RGB Color to Scharr Gradient Vector conversion using user selected fixed mask size and gradient distance method |
GradientVectorSobelBorder | RGB Color to Sobel Gradient Vector conversion using user selected fixed mask size and gradient distance method |
Computer Vision | The set of computer vision functions available in the library |
FilterCannyBorder | Performs Canny edge detection on a single channel 8-bit grayscale image and outputs a single channel 8-bit image consisting of 0x00 and 0xFF values with 0xFF representing edge pixels |
FilterHarrisCornersBorder | Performs Harris Corner detection on a single channel 8-bit grayscale image and outputs a single channel 32-bit floating point image consisting the corner response at each pixel of the image |
FilterHoughLine | Extracts Hough lines from a single channel 8-bit binarized (0, 255) source feature (canny edges, etc.) image |
HistogramOfOrientedGradientsBorder | Performs Histogram Of Oriented Gradients operation on source image generating separate windows of Histogram Descriptors for each requested location |
LabelMarkers | Generate image connected region label markers to be used for later image segmentation |
CompressMarkerLabels | Removes sparseness between marker label IDs output from LabelMarkers call |
BoundSegments | Adds boundary borders around connected regions using a border value of nBorderVal |
Geometry Transforms | Routines manipulating an image geometry |
ResizeSqrPixel | ResizeSqrPixel functions attempt to choose source pixels that would approximately represent the center of the destination pixels |
Resize | Resize functions use scale factor automatically determined by the width and height ratios of input and output Region-of-Interest (ROI) |
ResizeBatch | ResizeBatch functions use scale factor automatically determined by the width and height ratios for each pair of input / output images in provided batches |
Remap | Routines providing remap functionality |
Rotate | Rotates an image around the origin (0,0) and then shifts it |
Rotate Utility Functions | The set of rotate utility functions |
Rotate | The set of rotate functions available in the library |
Mirror | Mirrors images horizontally, vertically or diagonally |
MirrorBatch | Mirrors batches of images horizontally, vertically or diagonally |
Affine Transforms | The set of affine transform functions available in the library |
Affine Transform Utility Functions | The set of affine transform utility functions |
Affine Transform | Transforms (warps) an image based on an affine transform |
Affine Transform Batch | Details of the warp affine operation are described above in the WarpAffine section |
Backwards Affine Transform | Transforms (warps) an image based on an affine transform |
Quad-Based Affine Transform | Transforms (warps) an image based on an affine transform |
Perspective Transform | The set of perspective transform functions available in the library |
Perspective Transform Utility Functions | The set of perspective transform utility functions |
Perspective Transform | Transforms (warps) an image based on a perspective transform |
Perspective Transform Batch | Details of the warp perspective operation are described above in the WarpPerspective section |
Backwards Perspective Transform | Transforms (warps) an image based on a perspective transform |
Quad-Based Perspective Transform | Transforms (warps) an image based on an perspective transform |
Linear Transforms | Linear image transformations |
Fourier Transforms | The set of Fourier transform functions available in the library |
Morphological Operations | Morphological image operations |
Dilation | Dilation computes the output pixel as the maximum pixel value of the pixels under the mask |
Dilation with border control | Dilation computes the output pixel as the maximum pixel value of the pixels under the mask |
Dilate3x3 | Dilation using a 3x3 mask with the anchor at its center pixel |
Dilate3x3Border | Dilation using a 3x3 mask with the anchor at its center pixel with border control |
Erode | Erosion computes the output pixel as the minimum pixel value of the pixels under the mask |
Erosion with border control | Erosion computes the output pixel as the minimum pixel value of the pixels under the mask |
Erode3x3 | Erosion using a 3x3 mask with the anchor at its center pixel |
Erode3x3Border | Erosion using a 3x3 mask with the anchor at its center pixel with border control |
ComplexImageMorphology | Complex image morphological operations |
MorphGetBufferSize | Before calling any of the MorphCloseBorder, MorphOpenBorder, MorphTopHatBorder, MorphBlackHatBorder, or MorphGradientBorder functions the application first needs to call the corresponding MorphGetBufferSize to determine the amount of device memory to allocate as a working buffer |
MorphCloseBorder | Dilation followed by Erosion with border control |
MorphOpenBorder | Erosion followed by Dilation with border control |
MorphToHatBorder | Source pixel minus the morphological open pixel result with border control |
MorphBlackHatBorder | Morphological close pixel result minus source pixel with border control |
MorphGradientBorder | Morphological dilated pixel result minus morphological eroded pixel result with border control |
Statistical Operations | Primitives for computing the statistical properties of an image |
Sum | Primitives for computing the sum of all the pixel values in an image |
Min | Primitives for computing the minimal pixel value of an image |
MinIndx | Primitives for computing the minimal value and its indices (X and Y coordinates) of an image |
Max | Primitives for computing the maximal pixel value of an image |
MaxIndx | Primitives for computing the maximal value and its indices (X and Y coordinates) of an image |
MinMax | Primitives for computing both the minimal and the maximal values of an image |
MinMaxIndx | Primitives for computing the minimal and the maximal values with their indices (X and Y coordinates) of an image |
Mean | Primitives for computing the arithmetic mean of all the pixel values in an image |
Mean_StdDev | Primitives for computing both the arithmetic mean and the standard deviation of an image |
Image Norms | Primitives for computing the norms of an image, the norms of difference, and the relative errors of two images |
Norm_Inf | Primitives for computing the infinity norm of an image |
Norm_L1 | Primitives for computing the L1 norm of an image |
Norm_L2 | Primitives for computing the L2 norm of an image |
NormDiff_Inf | Primitives for computing the infinity norm of difference of pixels between two images |
NormDiff_L1 | Primitives for computing the L1 norm of difference of pixels between two images |
NormDiff_L2 | Primitives for computing the L2 norm of difference of pixels between two images |
NormRel_Inf | Primitives for computing the relative error of infinity norm between two images |
NormRel_L1 | Primitives for computing the relative error of L1 norm between two images |
NormRel_L2 | Primitives for computing the relative error of L2 norm between two images |
DotProd | Primitives for computing the dot product of two images |
CountInRange. | Primitives for computing the amount of pixels that fall into the specified intensity range |
MaxEvery | Primitives for computing the maximal value of the pixel pair from two images |
MinEvery | Primitives for computing the minimal value of the pixel pair from two images |
Integral | Primitives for computing the integral image of a given image |
SqrIntegral | Primitives for computing both the integral and the squared integral images of a given image |
RectStdDev | Primitives for computing the stansdard deviation of the integral images |
HistogramEven | Primitives for computing the histogram of an image with evenly distributed bins |
HistogramRange | Primitives for computing the histogram of an image within specified ranges |
Image Proximity | Primitives for computing the proximity measure between a source image and a template image |
SqrDistanceFull_Norm | Primitives for computing the normalized Euclidean distance between two images with full mode |
SqrDistanceSame_Norm | Primitives for computing the normalized Euclidean distance between two images with same mode |
SqrDistanceValid_Norm | Primitives for computing the normalized Euclidean distance between two images with valid mode |
CrossCorrFull_Norm | Primitives for computing the normalized cross correlation between two images with full mode |
CrossCorrSame_Norm | Primitives for computing the normalized cross correlation between two images with same mode |
CrossCorrValid_Norm | Primitives for computing the normalized cross correlation between two images with valid mode |
CrossCorrValid | Primitives for computing the cross correlation between two images with valid mode |
CrossCorrFull_NormLevel | Primitives for computing the normalized cross correlation coefficient between two images with full mode |
CrossCorrSame_NormLevel | Primitives for computing the normalized cross correlation coefficient between two images with same mode |
CrossCorrValid_NormLevel | Primitives for computing the normalized cross correlation coefficient between two images with valid mode |
Image Quality Index | Primitives for computing the image quality index of two images |
MaximumError | Primitives for computing the maximum error between two images |
AverageError | Primitives for computing the average error between two images |
MaximumRelativeError | Primitives for computing the maximum relative error between two images |
AverageRelativeError | Primitives for computing the average relative error between two images |
IQA | Primitives for computing the image quality between two images, such as MSE, PSNR, SSIM, and MS-SSIM |
Memory Management | Routines for allocating and deallocating pitched image storage |
Threshold and Compare Operations | Methods for pixel-wise threshold and compare operations |
Thresholding Operations | Various types of image thresholding operations |
Threshold Operations | Threshold image pixels |
Threshold Greater Than Operations | Threshold greater than image pixels |
Threshold Less Than Operations | Threshold less than image pixels |
Threshold Value Operations | Replace thresholded image pixels with a value |
Threshold Greater Than Value Operations | Replace image pixels greater than threshold with a value |
Threshold Less Than Value Operations | Replace image pixels less than threshold with a value |
Threshold Less Than Value Or Greater Than Value Operations | Replace image pixels less than thresholdLT or greater than thresholdGT with with valueLT or valueGT respectively |
Comparison Operations | Compare the pixels of two images or one image and a constant value and create a binary result image |
Compare Images Operations | Compare the pixels of two images and create a binary result image |
Compare Image With Constant Operations | Compare the pixels of an image with a constant value and create a binary result image |
Compare Image Differences With Epsilon Operations | Compare the pixels value differences of two images with an epsilon value and create a binary result image |
Compare Image Difference With Constant Within Epsilon Operations | Compare differences between image pixels and constant within an epsilon value and create a binary result image |
NPP Signal Processing | The set of signal processing functions available in the library |
Arithmetic and Logical Operations | Functions that provide common arithmetic and logical operations |
Arithmetic Operations | The set of arithmetic operations for signal processing available in the library |
AddC | Adds a constant value to each sample of a signal |
AddProductC | Adds product of a constant and each sample of a source signal to the each sample of destination signal |
MulC | Multiplies each sample of a signal by a constant value |
SubC | Subtracts a constant from each sample of a signal |
SubCRev | Subtracts each sample of a signal from a constant |
DivC | Divides each sample of a signal by a constant |
DivCRev | Divides a constant by each sample of a signal |
Add | Sample by sample addition of two signals |
AddProduct | Adds sample by sample product of two signals to the destination signal |
Mul | Sample by sample multiplication the samples of two signals |
Sub | Sample by sample subtraction of the samples of two signals |
Div | Sample by sample division of the samples of two signals |
Div_Round | Sample by sample division of the samples of two signals with rounding |
Abs | Absolute value of each sample of a signal |
Sqr | Squares each sample of a signal |
Sqrt | Square root of each sample of a signal |
Cubrt | Cube root of each sample of a signal |
Exp | E raised to the power of each sample of a signal |
Ln | Natural logarithm of each sample of a signal |
10Log10 | Ten times the decimal logarithm of each sample of a signal |
SumLn | Sums up the natural logarithm of each sample of a signal |
Arctan | Inverse tangent of each sample of a signal |
Normalize | Normalize each sample of a real or complex signal using offset and division operations |
Cauchy, CauchyD, and CauchyDD2 | Determine Cauchy robust error function and its first and second derivatives for each sample of a signal |
Logical And Shift Operations | The set of logical and shift operations for signal processing available in the library |
AndC | Bitwise AND of a constant and each sample of a signal |
And | Sample by sample bitwise AND of samples from two signals |
OrC | Bitwise OR of a constant and each sample of a signal |
Or | Sample by sample bitwise OR of the samples from two signals |
XorC | Bitwise XOR of a constant and each sample of a signal |
Xor | Sample by sample bitwise XOR of the samples from two signals |
Not | Bitwise NOT of each sample of a signal |
LShiftC | Left shifts the bits of each sample of a signal by a constant amount |
RShiftC | Right shifts the bits of each sample of a signal by a constant amount |
Conversion Functions | Functions that provide conversion and threshold operations |
Convert | The set of conversion operations available in the library |
Threshold | The set of threshold operations available in the library |
Filtering Functions | Functions that provide functionality of generating output signal based on the input signal like signal integral, etc |
Integral | Compute the indefinite integral of a given signal |
Initialization | Functions that provide functionality of initialization signal like: set, zero or copy other signal |
Set | The set of set initialization operations available in the library |
Zero | The set of zero initialization operations available in the library |
Copy | The set of copy initialization operations available in the library |
Statistical Functions | Functions that provide global signal statistics like: sum, mean, standard deviation, min, max, etc |
MinEvery And MaxEvery Functions | Performs the min or max operation on the samples of a signal |
Sum | Signal_min_every_or_max_every |
Maximum | Performs the maximum operation on the samples of a signal |
Minimum | Performs the minimum operation on the samples of a signal |
Mean | Performs the mean operation on the samples of a signal |
Standard Deviation | Calculates the standard deviation for the samples of a signal |
Mean And Standard Deviation | Performs the mean and calculates the standard deviation for the samples of a signal |
Minimum Maximum | Performs the maximum and the minimum operation on the samples of a signal |
Infinity Norm | Performs the infinity norm on the samples of a signal |
L1 Norm | Performs the L1 norm on the samples of a signal |
L2 Norm | Performs the L2 norm on the samples of a signal |
Infinity Norm Diff | Performs the infinity norm on the samples of two input signals' difference |
L1 Norm Diff | Performs the L1 norm on the samples of two input signals' difference |
L2 Norm Diff | Performs the L2 norm on the samples of two input signals' difference |
Dot Product | Performs the dot product operation on the samples of two input signals |
Count In Range | Calculates the number of elements from specified range in the samples of a signal |
Count Zero Crossings | Calculates the number of zero crossings in a signal |
MaximumError | Primitives for computing the maximum error between two signals |
AverageError | Primitives for computing the Average error between two signals |
MaximumRelativeError | Primitives for computing the MaximumRelative error between two signals |
AverageRelativeError | Primitives for computing the AverageRelative error between two signals |
Memory Management | Functions that provide memory management functionality like malloc and free |
Malloc | Signal-allocator methods for allocating 1D arrays of data in device memory |
Free | Free signal memory |