类 BandwidthWeight
public gwm::Weight
(类 Weight)
class BandwidthWeight : public gwm::Weight
Class for calculating weight with a bandwidth. Users can specific bandwidth size, bandwidth type and kernel function type.
There are two types of bandwidth: adaptive and fixed. If use an adaptive bandwidth, the value of bandwidth size \(b\) must be integer, representing the distance to \(b\)-th nearest point. If use a fixed bandwidth, the value of bandwidth size is a distance.
There are five types of kernels: Gaussian, Exponential, Bisquare, Tricube and Boxcar. Each type of kernel representing a kernel function. Users need only set the kernel type to let the instance call for the kernel function.
enum KernelFunctionType
Type of kernel function.
enumerator Gaussian
enumerator Exponential
enumerator Bisquare
enumerator Tricube
enumerator Boxcar
enumerator Gaussian
typedef arma::vec (*KernelFunction)(arma::vec, double)
inline BandwidthWeight()
Construct a new BandwidthWeight object.
inline BandwidthWeight(double size, bool adaptive, KernelFunctionType kernel)
Construct a new BandwidthWeight object.
- 参数
size – Bandwidth size.
adaptive – Whether use an adaptive bandwidth.
kernel – Type of kernel function.
inline BandwidthWeight(const BandwidthWeight &bandwidthWeight)
Construct a new BandwidthWeight object.
- 参数
bandwidthWeight – Reference to the object for copying.
inline BandwidthWeight(const BandwidthWeight *bandwidthWeight)
Construct a new BandwidthWeight object.
- 参数
bandwidthWeight – Pointer to the object for copying.
virtual arma::vec weight(arma::vec dist) override
Calculate weight vector from a distance vector.
- 参数
dist – According distance vector.
- 返回
Weight vector.
inline double bandwidth() const
Get the BandwidthWeight::mBandwidth object.
- 返回
Bandwidth size.
inline void setBandwidth(double bandwidth)
Set the BandwidthWeight::mBandwidth object.
- 参数
bandwidth – Bandwidth size.
inline bool adaptive() const
Get the BandwidthWeight::mAdaptive object.
- 返回
true if use an adaptive bandwidth.
- 返回
false if use an fixed bandwidth.
inline void setAdaptive(bool adaptive)
Set the BandwidthWeight::mAdaptive object.
- 参数
bandwidth – Whether use an adaptive bandwidth.
inline KernelFunctionType kernel() const
Get the BandwidthWeight::mKernel object.
- 返回
Type of kernel function.
inline void setKernel(const KernelFunctionType &kernel)
Set the BandwidthWeight::mBandwidth object.
- 参数
bandwidth – Type of kernel function.
static inline arma::vec GaussianKernelFunction(arma::vec dist, double bw)
Gaussian kernel function.
static inline arma::vec ExponentialKernelFunction(arma::vec dist, double bw)
Exponential kernel function.
static inline arma::vec BisquareKernelFunction(arma::vec dist, double bw)
Bisquare kernel function.
static inline arma::vec TricubeKernelFunction(arma::vec dist, double bw)
Tricube kernel function.
static std::unordered_map<KernelFunctionType, std::string> KernelFunctionTypeNameMapper
static std::unordered_map<bool, std::string> BandwidthTypeNameMapper
static KernelFunction Kernel[]
enum KernelFunctionType