8. Deprecated List
- Global cudaThreadExit
- Global cudaThreadGetCacheConfig
- Global cudaThreadGetLimit
- Global cudaThreadSetCacheConfig
- Global cudaThreadSetLimit
- Global cudaThreadSynchronize
- Global cudaSetDoubleForDevice
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 7.5
- Global cudaSetDoubleForHost
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 7.5
- Global cudaMemcpyArrayToArray
- Global cudaMemcpyFromArray
- Global cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync
- Global cudaMemcpyToArray
- Global cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync
- Global cudaGLMapBufferObject
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaGLMapBufferObjectAsync
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaGLRegisterBufferObject
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaGLSetBufferObjectMapFlags
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaGLSetGLDevice
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 5.0.
- Global cudaGLUnmapBufferObject
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaGLUnmapBufferObjectAsync
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaGLUnregisterBufferObject
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D9MapResources
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D9RegisterResource
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D9ResourceGetMappedArray
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D9ResourceGetMappedPitch
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D9ResourceGetMappedPointer
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D9ResourceGetMappedSize
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D9ResourceGetSurfaceDimensions
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D9ResourceSetMapFlags
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D9UnmapResources
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D9UnregisterResource
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D10GetDirect3DDevice
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 5.0.
- Global cudaD3D10MapResources
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D10RegisterResource
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D10ResourceGetMappedArray
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D10ResourceGetMappedPitch
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D10ResourceGetMappedPointer
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D10ResourceGetMappedSize
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D10ResourceGetSurfaceDimensions
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D10ResourceSetMapFlags
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D10SetDirect3DDevice
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 5.0.
- Global cudaD3D10UnmapResources
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D10UnregisterResource
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 3.0.
- Global cudaD3D11GetDirect3DDevice
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 5.0.
- Global cudaD3D11SetDirect3DDevice
This function is deprecated as of CUDA 5.0.
- Global cudaBindTexture
- Global cudaBindTexture2D
- Global cudaBindTextureToArray
- Global cudaGetTextureReference
- Global cudaUnbindTexture
- Global cudaBindSurfaceToArray
- Global cudaGetSurfaceReference
- Global cudaErrorProfilerNotInitialized
This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 5.0. It is no longer an error to attempt to enable/disable the profiling via cudaProfilerStart or cudaProfilerStop without initialization.
- Global cudaErrorProfilerAlreadyStarted
This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 5.0. It is no longer an error to call cudaProfilerStart() when profiling is already enabled.
- Global cudaErrorProfilerAlreadyStopped
This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 5.0. It is no longer an error to call cudaProfilerStop() when profiling is already disabled.
- Global cudaErrorInvalidHostPointer
This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 10.1.
- Global cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer
This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 10.1.
- Global cudaErrorAddressOfConstant
This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 3.1. Variables in constant memory may now have their address taken by the runtime via cudaGetSymbolAddress().
- Global cudaErrorTextureFetchFailed
This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 3.1. Device emulation mode was removed with the CUDA 3.1 release.
- Global cudaErrorTextureNotBound
This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 3.1. Device emulation mode was removed with the CUDA 3.1 release.
- Global cudaErrorSynchronizationError
This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 3.1. Device emulation mode was removed with the CUDA 3.1 release.
- Global cudaErrorMixedDeviceExecution
This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 3.1. Device emulation mode was removed with the CUDA 3.1 release.
- Global cudaErrorNotYetImplemented
This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 4.1.
- Global cudaErrorMemoryValueTooLarge
This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 3.1. Device emulation mode was removed with the CUDA 3.1 release.
- Global cudaErrorPriorLaunchFailure
This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 3.1. Device emulation mode was removed with the CUDA 3.1 release.
- Global cudaErrorApiFailureBase
This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 4.1.
- Global cudaDeviceBlockingSync
This flag was deprecated as of CUDA 4.0 and replaced with cudaDeviceScheduleBlockingSync.