6.8. cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc Struct Reference
[Data types used by CUDA Runtime]
External memory handle descriptor
Public Variables
- int fd
- unsigned int flags
- void * handle
- const void * name
- const void * nvSciBufObject
- unsigned long long size
- enumcudaExternalMemoryHandleType type
- cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::@6::@7 win32
- int cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::fd [inherited]
File descriptor referencing the memory object. Valid when type is cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeOpaqueFd
- unsigned int cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::flags [inherited]
Flags must either be zero or cudaExternalMemoryDedicated
- void * cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle [inherited]
Valid NT handle. Must be NULL if 'name' is non-NULL
- const void * cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::name [inherited]
Name of a valid memory object. Must be NULL if 'handle' is non-NULL.
- const void * cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::nvSciBufObject [inherited]
A handle representing NvSciBuf Object. Valid when type is cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeNvSciBuf
- unsigned long long cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::size [inherited]
Size of the memory allocation
- enumcudaExternalMemoryHandleTypecudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::type [inherited]
Type of the handle
- cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::@6::@7 cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::win32 [inherited]
Win32 handle referencing the semaphore object. Valid when type is one of the following:
cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeD3D11ResourceKmt Exactly one of 'handle' and 'name' must be non-NULL. If type is one of the following: cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeOpaqueWin32KmtcudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeD3D11ResourceKmt then 'name' must be NULL.