5.2. Device API
- QUALIFIERS_MTGP32 unsigned int curand ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state )
- Return 32-bits of pseudorandomness from a mtgp32 generator.
- __device__ unsigned long long curand ( curandStateScrambledSobol64_t* state )
- Return 64-bits of quasirandomness from a scrambled Sobol64 generator.
- __device__ unsigned long long curand ( curandStateSobol64_t* state )
- Return 64-bits of quasirandomness from a Sobol64 generator.
- __device__ unsigned int curand ( curandStateScrambledSobol32_t* state )
- Return 32-bits of quasirandomness from a scrambled Sobol32 generator.
- __device__ unsigned int curand ( curandStateSobol32_t* state )
- Return 32-bits of quasirandomness from a Sobol32 generator.
- __device__ unsigned int curand ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
- Return 32-bits of pseudorandomness from an MRG32k3a generator.
- __device__ unsigned int curand ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
- Return 32-bits of pseudorandomness from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- __device__ unsigned int curand ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state )
- Return 32-bits of pseudorandomness from an XORWOW generator.
- __device__ uint4 curand4 ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
- Return tuple of 4 32-bit pseudorandoms from a Philox4_32_10 generator.
- __host__ __forceinline__ curandStatus_t curandMakeMTGP32Constants ( const mtgp32_params_fast_t params[], mtgp32_kernel_params_t* p )
- Set up constant parameters for the mtgp32 generator.
- __host__ __forceinline__ curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandMakeMTGP32KernelState ( curandStateMtgp32_t* s, mtgp32_params_fast_t params[], mtgp32_kernel_params_t* k, int n, unsigned long long seed )
- Set up initial states for the mtgp32 generator.
- __device__ void curand_init ( curandDirectionVectors64_t direction_vectors, unsigned long long scramble_c, unsigned long long offset, curandStateScrambledSobol64_t* state )
- Initialize Scrambled Sobol64 state.
- __device__ void curand_init ( curandDirectionVectors64_t direction_vectors, unsigned long long offset, curandStateSobol64_t* state )
- Initialize Sobol64 state.
- __device__ void curand_init ( curandDirectionVectors32_t direction_vectors, unsigned int scramble_c, unsigned int offset, curandStateScrambledSobol32_t* state )
- Initialize Scrambled Sobol32 state.
- __device__ void curand_init ( curandDirectionVectors32_t direction_vectors, unsigned int offset, curandStateSobol32_t* state )
- Initialize Sobol32 state.
- __device__ void curand_init ( unsigned long long seed, unsigned long long subsequence, unsigned long long offset, curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
- Initialize MRG32k3a state.
- __device__ void curand_init ( unsigned long long seed, unsigned long long subsequence, unsigned long long offset, curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
- Initialize Philox4_32_10 state.
- __device__ void curand_init ( unsigned long long seed, unsigned long long subsequence, unsigned long long offset, curandStateXORWOW_t* state )
- Initialize XORWOW state.
- __device__ float curand_log_normal ( curandStateScrambledSobol64_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
- Return a log-normally distributed float from a scrambled Sobol64 generator.
- __device__ float curand_log_normal ( curandStateSobol64_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
- Return a log-normally distributed float from a Sobol64 generator.
- __device__ float curand_log_normal ( curandStateScrambledSobol32_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
- Return a log-normally distributed float from a scrambled Sobol32 generator.
- __device__ float curand_log_normal ( curandStateSobol32_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
- Return a log-normally distributed float from a Sobol32 generator.
- __device__ float curand_log_normal ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
- Return a log-normally distributed float from an MTGP32 generator.
- __device__ float curand_log_normal ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
- Return a log-normally distributed float from an MRG32k3a generator.
- __device__ float curand_log_normal ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
- Return a log-normally distributed float from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- __device__ float curand_log_normal ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
- Return a log-normally distributed float from an XORWOW generator.
- __device__ float2 curand_log_normal2 ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
- Return two normally distributed floats from an MRG32k3a generator.
- __device__ float2 curand_log_normal2 ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
- Return two normally distributed floats from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- __device__ float2 curand_log_normal2 ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
- Return two normally distributed floats from an XORWOW generator.
- __device__ double2 curand_log_normal2_double ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
- Return two log-normally distributed doubles from an MRG32k3a generator.
- __device__ double2 curand_log_normal2_double ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
- Return two log-normally distributed doubles from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- __device__ double2 curand_log_normal2_double ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
- Return two log-normally distributed doubles from an XORWOW generator.
- __device__ float4 curand_log_normal4 ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
- Return four normally distributed floats from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- __device__ double curand_log_normal_double ( curandStateScrambledSobol64_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
- Return a log-normally distributed double from a scrambled Sobol64 generator.
- __device__ double curand_log_normal_double ( curandStateSobol64_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
- Return a log-normally distributed double from a Sobol64 generator.
- __device__ double curand_log_normal_double ( curandStateScrambledSobol32_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
- Return a log-normally distributed double from a scrambled Sobol32 generator.
- __device__ double curand_log_normal_double ( curandStateSobol32_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
- Return a log-normally distributed double from a Sobol32 generator.
- __device__ double curand_log_normal_double ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
- Return a log-normally distributed double from an MTGP32 generator.
- __device__ double curand_log_normal_double ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
- Return a log-normally distributed double from an MRG32k3a generator.
- __device__ double curand_log_normal_double ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
- Return a log-normally distributed double from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- __device__ double curand_log_normal_double ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
- Return a log-normally distributed double from an XORWOW generator.
- QUALIFIERS_MTGP32 float curand_mtgp32_single ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state )
- Return a uniformly distributed float from a mtgp32 generator.
- QUALIFIERS_MTGP32 float curand_mtgp32_single_specific ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state, unsigned char index, unsigned char n )
- Return a uniformly distributed float from a specific position in a mtgp32 generator.
- QUALIFIERS_MTGP32 unsigned int curand_mtgp32_specific ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state, unsigned char index, unsigned char n )
- Return 32-bits of pseudorandomness from a specific position in a mtgp32 generator.
- __device__ float curand_normal ( curandStateScrambledSobol64_t* state )
- Return a normally distributed float from a scrambled Sobol64 generator.
- __device__ float curand_normal ( curandStateSobol64_t* state )
- Return a normally distributed float from a Sobol64 generator.
- __device__ float curand_normal ( curandStateScrambledSobol32_t* state )
- Return a normally distributed float from a scrambled Sobol32 generator.
- __device__ float curand_normal ( curandStateSobol32_t* state )
- Return a normally distributed float from a Sobol32 generator.
- __device__ float curand_normal ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state )
- Return a normally distributed float from a MTGP32 generator.
- __device__ float curand_normal ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
- Return a normally distributed float from an MRG32k3a generator.
- __device__ float curand_normal ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
- Return a normally distributed float from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- __device__ float curand_normal ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state )
- Return a normally distributed float from an XORWOW generator.
- __device__ float2 curand_normal2 ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
- Return two normally distributed floats from an MRG32k3a generator.
- __device__ float2 curand_normal2 ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
- Return two normally distributed floats from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- __device__ float2 curand_normal2 ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state )
- Return two normally distributed floats from an XORWOW generator.
- __device__ double2 curand_normal2_double ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
- Return two normally distributed doubles from an MRG32k3a generator.
- __device__ double2 curand_normal2_double ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
- Return two normally distributed doubles from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- __device__ double2 curand_normal2_double ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state )
- Return two normally distributed doubles from an XORWOW generator.
- __device__ float4 curand_normal4 ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
- Return four normally distributed floats from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- __device__ double curand_normal_double ( curandStateScrambledSobol64_t* state )
- Return a normally distributed double from a scrambled Sobol64 generator.
- __device__ double curand_normal_double ( curandStateSobol64_t* state )
- Return a normally distributed double from a Sobol64 generator.
- __device__ double curand_normal_double ( curandStateScrambledSobol32_t* state )
- Return a normally distributed double from a scrambled Sobol32 generator.
- __device__ double curand_normal_double ( curandStateSobol32_t* state )
- Return a normally distributed double from an Sobol32 generator.
- __device__ double curand_normal_double ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state )
- Return a normally distributed double from an MTGP32 generator.
- __device__ double curand_normal_double ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
- Return a normally distributed double from an MRG32k3a generator.
- __device__ double curand_normal_double ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
- Return a normally distributed double from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- __device__ double curand_normal_double ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state )
- Return a normally distributed double from an XORWOW generator.
- __device__ unsigned int curand_poisson ( curandStateScrambledSobol64_t* state, double lambda )
- Return a Poisson-distributed unsigned int from a scrambled Sobol64 generator.
- __device__ unsigned int curand_poisson ( curandStateSobol64_t* state, double lambda )
- Return a Poisson-distributed unsigned int from a Sobol64 generator.
- __device__ unsigned int curand_poisson ( curandStateScrambledSobol32_t* state, double lambda )
- Return a Poisson-distributed unsigned int from a scrambled Sobol32 generator.
- __device__ unsigned int curand_poisson ( curandStateSobol32_t* state, double lambda )
- Return a Poisson-distributed unsigned int from a Sobol32 generator.
- __device__ unsigned int curand_poisson ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state, double lambda )
- Return a Poisson-distributed unsigned int from a MTGP32 generator.
- __device__ unsigned int curand_poisson ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state, double lambda )
- Return a Poisson-distributed unsigned int from a MRG32k3A generator.
- __device__ unsigned int curand_poisson ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state, double lambda )
- Return a Poisson-distributed unsigned int from a Philox4_32_10 generator.
- __device__ unsigned int curand_poisson ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state, double lambda )
- Return a Poisson-distributed unsigned int from a XORWOW generator.
- __device__ uint4 curand_poisson4 ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state, double lambda )
- Return four Poisson-distributed unsigned ints from a Philox4_32_10 generator.
- __device__ float curand_uniform ( curandStateScrambledSobol64_t* state )
- Return a uniformly distributed float from a scrambled Sobol64 generator.
- __device__ float curand_uniform ( curandStateSobol64_t* state )
- Return a uniformly distributed float from a Sobol64 generator.
- __device__ float curand_uniform ( curandStateScrambledSobol32_t* state )
- Return a uniformly distributed float from a scrambled Sobol32 generator.
- __device__ float curand_uniform ( curandStateSobol32_t* state )
- Return a uniformly distributed float from a Sobol32 generator.
- __device__ float curand_uniform ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state )
- Return a uniformly distributed float from a MTGP32 generator.
- __device__ float curand_uniform ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
- Return a uniformly distributed float from a Philox4_32_10 generator.
- __device__ float curand_uniform ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
- Return a uniformly distributed float from an MRG32k3a generator.
- __device__ float curand_uniform ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state )
- Return a uniformly distributed float from an XORWOW generator.
- __device__ double2 curand_uniform2_double ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
- Return a uniformly distributed tuple of 2 doubles from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- __device__ float4 curand_uniform4 ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
- Return a uniformly distributed tuple of 4 floats from a Philox4_32_10 generator.
- __device__ double curand_uniform_double ( curandStateScrambledSobol64_t* state )
- Return a uniformly distributed double from a scrambled Sobol64 generator.
- __device__ double curand_uniform_double ( curandStateSobol64_t* state )
- Return a uniformly distributed double from a Sobol64 generator.
- __device__ double curand_uniform_double ( curandStateScrambledSobol32_t* state )
- Return a uniformly distributed double from a scrambled Sobol32 generator.
- __device__ double curand_uniform_double ( curandStateSobol32_t* state )
- Return a uniformly distributed double from a Sobol32 generator.
- __device__ double curand_uniform_double ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
- Return a uniformly distributed double from a Philox4_32_10 generator.
- __device__ double curand_uniform_double ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state )
- Return a uniformly distributed double from a MTGP32 generator.
- __device__ double curand_uniform_double ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
- Return a uniformly distributed double from an MRG32k3a generator.
- __device__ double curand_uniform_double ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state )
- Return a uniformly distributed double from an XORWOW generator.
- template < typename T >__device__ void skipahead ( unsigned long long n, T state )
- Update Sobol64 state to skip n elements.
- template < typename T >__device__ void skipahead ( unsigned int n, T state )
- Update Sobol32 state to skip n elements.
- __device__ void skipahead ( unsigned long long n, curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
- Update MRG32k3a state to skip n elements.
- __device__ void skipahead ( unsigned long long n, curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
- Update Philox4_32_10 state to skip n elements.
- __device__ void skipahead ( unsigned long long n, curandStateXORWOW_t* state )
- Update XORWOW state to skip n elements.
- __device__ void skipahead_sequence ( unsigned long long n, curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
- Update MRG32k3a state to skip ahead n sequences.
- __device__ void skipahead_sequence ( unsigned long long n, curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
- Update Philox4_32_10 state to skip ahead n subsequences.
- __device__ void skipahead_sequence ( unsigned long long n, curandStateXORWOW_t* state )
- Update XORWOW state to skip ahead n subsequences.
- __device__ void skipahead_subsequence ( unsigned long long n, curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
- Update MRG32k3a state to skip ahead n subsequences.
- QUALIFIERS_MTGP32 unsigned int curand ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state )
Return 32-bits of pseudorandomness from a mtgp32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
32-bits of pseudorandomness as an unsigned int, all bits valid to use.
Return 32-bits of pseudorandomness from the mtgp32 generator in state, increment position of generator by the number of threads in the block. Note the number of threads in the block can not exceed 256.
- __device__ unsigned long long curand ( curandStateScrambledSobol64_t* state )
Return 64-bits of quasirandomness from a scrambled Sobol64 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
64-bits of quasirandomness as an unsigned long long, all bits valid to use.
Return 64-bits of quasirandomness from the scrambled Sobol32 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
- __device__ unsigned long long curand ( curandStateSobol64_t* state )
Return 64-bits of quasirandomness from a Sobol64 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
64-bits of quasirandomness as an unsigned long long, all bits valid to use.
Return 64-bits of quasirandomness from the Sobol64 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
- __device__ unsigned int curand ( curandStateScrambledSobol32_t* state )
Return 32-bits of quasirandomness from a scrambled Sobol32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
32-bits of quasirandomness as an unsigned int, all bits valid to use.
Return 32-bits of quasirandomness from the scrambled Sobol32 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
- __device__ unsigned int curand ( curandStateSobol32_t* state )
Return 32-bits of quasirandomness from a Sobol32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
32-bits of quasirandomness as an unsigned int, all bits valid to use.
Return 32-bits of quasirandomness from the Sobol32 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
- __device__ unsigned int curand ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
Return 32-bits of pseudorandomness from an MRG32k3a generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
32-bits of pseudorandomness as an unsigned int, all bits valid to use.
Return 32-bits of pseudorandomness from the MRG32k3a generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
- __device__ unsigned int curand ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
Return 32-bits of pseudorandomness from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
32-bits of pseudorandomness as an unsigned int, all bits valid to use.
Return 32-bits of pseudorandomness from the Philox4_32_10 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
- __device__ unsigned int curand ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state )
Return 32-bits of pseudorandomness from an XORWOW generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
32-bits of pseudorandomness as an unsigned int, all bits valid to use.
Return 32-bits of pseudorandomness from the XORWOW generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
- __device__ uint4 curand4 ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
Return tuple of 4 32-bit pseudorandoms from a Philox4_32_10 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
128-bits of pseudorandomness as a uint4, all bits valid to use.
Return 128 bits of pseudorandomness from the Philox4_32_10 generator in state, increment position of generator by four.
- __host__ __forceinline__ curandStatus_t curandMakeMTGP32Constants ( const mtgp32_params_fast_t params[], mtgp32_kernel_params_t* p )
Set up constant parameters for the mtgp32 generator.
- params
- - Pointer to an array of type mtgp32_params_fast_t in host memory
- p
- - pointer to a structure of type mtgp32_kernel_params_t in device memory.
- CURAND_STATUS_ALLOCATION_FAILED if host memory could not be allocated
- CURAND_STATUS_INITIALIZATION_FAILED if the copy to device memory failed
This host-side helper function re-organizes CURAND_NUM_MTGP32_PARAMS sets of generator parameters for use by kernel functions and copies the result to the specified location in device memory.
- __host__ __forceinline__ curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandMakeMTGP32KernelState ( curandStateMtgp32_t* s, mtgp32_params_fast_t params[], mtgp32_kernel_params_t* k, int n, unsigned long long seed )
Set up initial states for the mtgp32 generator.
- s
- - pointer to an array of states in device memory
- params
- - Pointer to an array of type mtgp32_params_fast_t in host memory
- k
- - pointer to a structure of type mtgp32_kernel_params_t in device memory
- n
- - number of parameter sets/states to initialize
- seed
- - seed value
- CURAND_STATUS_ALLOCATION_FAILED if host memory state could not be allocated
- CURAND_STATUS_INITIALIZATION_FAILED if the copy to device memory failed
This host-side helper function initializes a number of states (one parameter set per state) for an mtgp32 generator. To accomplish this it allocates a state array in host memory, initializes that array, and copies the result to device memory.
- __device__ void curand_init ( curandDirectionVectors64_t direction_vectors, unsigned long long scramble_c, unsigned long long offset, curandStateScrambledSobol64_t* state )
Initialize Scrambled Sobol64 state.
- direction_vectors
- - Pointer to array of 64 unsigned long longs representing the direction vectors for the desired dimension
- scramble_c
- Scramble constant
- offset
- - Absolute offset into sequence
- state
- - Pointer to state to initialize
Initialize Sobol64 state in state with the given directionvectors and offset.
The direction vector is a device pointer to an array of 64 unsigned long longs. All input values of offset are legal.
- __device__ void curand_init ( curandDirectionVectors64_t direction_vectors, unsigned long long offset, curandStateSobol64_t* state )
Initialize Sobol64 state.
- direction_vectors
- - Pointer to array of 64 unsigned long longs representing the direction vectors for the desired dimension
- offset
- - Absolute offset into sequence
- state
- - Pointer to state to initialize
Initialize Sobol64 state in state with the given directionvectors and offset.
The direction vector is a device pointer to an array of 64 unsigned long longs. All input values of offset are legal.
- __device__ void curand_init ( curandDirectionVectors32_t direction_vectors, unsigned int scramble_c, unsigned int offset, curandStateScrambledSobol32_t* state )
Initialize Scrambled Sobol32 state.
- direction_vectors
- - Pointer to array of 32 unsigned ints representing the direction vectors for the desired dimension
- scramble_c
- Scramble constant
- offset
- - Absolute offset into sequence
- state
- - Pointer to state to initialize
Initialize Sobol32 state in state with the given directionvectors and offset.
The direction vector is a device pointer to an array of 32 unsigned ints. All input values of offset are legal.
- __device__ void curand_init ( curandDirectionVectors32_t direction_vectors, unsigned int offset, curandStateSobol32_t* state )
Initialize Sobol32 state.
- direction_vectors
- - Pointer to array of 32 unsigned ints representing the direction vectors for the desired dimension
- offset
- - Absolute offset into sequence
- state
- - Pointer to state to initialize
Initialize Sobol32 state in state with the given directionvectors and offset.
The direction vector is a device pointer to an array of 32 unsigned ints. All input values of offset are legal.
- __device__ void curand_init ( unsigned long long seed, unsigned long long subsequence, unsigned long long offset, curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
Initialize MRG32k3a state.
- seed
- - Arbitrary bits to use as a seed
- subsequence
- - Subsequence to start at
- offset
- - Absolute offset into sequence
- state
- - Pointer to state to initialize
Initialize MRG32k3a state in state with the given seed, subsequence, and offset.
All input values of seed, subsequence, and offset are legal. subsequence will be truncated to 51 bits to avoid running into the next sequence
A value of 0 for seed sets the state to the values of the original published version of the MRG32k3a algorithm.
- __device__ void curand_init ( unsigned long long seed, unsigned long long subsequence, unsigned long long offset, curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
Initialize Philox4_32_10 state.
- seed
- - Arbitrary bits to use as a seed
- subsequence
- - Subsequence to start at
- offset
- - Absolute offset into subsequence
- state
- - Pointer to state to initialize
Initialize Philox4_32_10 state in state with the given seed, p\ subsequence, and offset.
All input values for seed, subseqence and offset are legal. Each of the 264 possible values of seed selects an independent sequence of length 2130. The first 266 * subsequence + offset. values of the sequence are skipped. I.e., subsequences are of length 266.
- __device__ void curand_init ( unsigned long long seed, unsigned long long subsequence, unsigned long long offset, curandStateXORWOW_t* state )
Initialize XORWOW state.
- seed
- - Arbitrary bits to use as a seed
- subsequence
- - Subsequence to start at
- offset
- - Absolute offset into sequence
- state
- - Pointer to state to initialize
Initialize XORWOW state in state with the given seed, subsequence, and offset.
All input values of seed, subsequence, and offset are legal. Large values for subsequence and offset require more computation and so will take more time to complete.
A value of 0 for seed sets the state to the values of the original published version of the xorwow algorithm.
- __device__ float curand_log_normal ( curandStateScrambledSobol64_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
Return a log-normally distributed float from a scrambled Sobol64 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed float with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return a single log-normally distributed float derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the scrambled Sobol64 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate normally distributed results, then converts to log-normal distribution.
- __device__ float curand_log_normal ( curandStateSobol64_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
Return a log-normally distributed float from a Sobol64 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed float with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return a single log-normally distributed float derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the Sobol64 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate normally distributed results, then converts to log-normal distribution.
- __device__ float curand_log_normal ( curandStateScrambledSobol32_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
Return a log-normally distributed float from a scrambled Sobol32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed float with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return a single log-normally distributed float derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the scrambled Sobol32 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate a normally distributed result, then transforms the result to log-normal.
- __device__ float curand_log_normal ( curandStateSobol32_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
Return a log-normally distributed float from a Sobol32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed float with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return a single log-normally distributed float derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the Sobol32 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate a normally distributed result, then transforms the result to log-normal.
- __device__ float curand_log_normal ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
Return a log-normally distributed float from an MTGP32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed float with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return a single log-normally distributed float derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the MTGP32 generator in state, increment position of generator.
The implementation uses the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate a normally distributed result, then transforms the result to log-normal.
- __device__ float curand_log_normal ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
Return a log-normally distributed float from an MRG32k3a generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed float with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return a single log-normally distributed float derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the MRG32k3a generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results, transforms them to log-normal distribution, then returns them one at a time. See curand_log_normal2() for a more efficient version that returns both results at once.
- __device__ float curand_log_normal ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
Return a log-normally distributed float from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed float with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return a single log-normally distributed float derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the Philox4_32_10 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results, transforms them to log-normal distribution, then returns them one at a time. See curand_log_normal2() for a more efficient version that returns both results at once.
- __device__ float curand_log_normal ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
Return a log-normally distributed float from an XORWOW generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed float with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return a single log-normally distributed float derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the XORWOW generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results, transforms them to log-normal distribution, then returns them one at a time. See curand_log_normal2() for a more efficient version that returns both results at once.
- __device__ float2 curand_log_normal2 ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
Return two normally distributed floats from an MRG32k3a generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed float2 where each element is from a distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return two log-normally distributed floats derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the MRG32k3a generator in state, increment position of generator by two.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results, then transforms them to log-normal.
- __device__ float2 curand_log_normal2 ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
Return two normally distributed floats from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed float2 where each element is from a distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return two log-normally distributed floats derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the Philox4_32_10 generator in state, increment position of generator by two.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results, then transforms them to log-normal.
- __device__ float2 curand_log_normal2 ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
Return two normally distributed floats from an XORWOW generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed float2 where each element is from a distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return two log-normally distributed floats derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the XORWOW generator in state, increment position of generator by two.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results, then transforms them to log-normal.
- __device__ double2 curand_log_normal2_double ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
Return two log-normally distributed doubles from an MRG32k3a generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed double2 where each element is from a distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return two log-normally distributed doubles derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the MRG32k3a generator in state, increment position of generator by two.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results, and transforms them to log-normal distribution,.
- __device__ double2 curand_log_normal2_double ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
Return two log-normally distributed doubles from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed double4 where each element is from a distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return two log-normally distributed doubles derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the Philox4_32_10 generator in state, increment position of generator by four.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results, and transforms them to log-normal distribution,.
- __device__ double2 curand_log_normal2_double ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
Return two log-normally distributed doubles from an XORWOW generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed double2 where each element is from a distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return two log-normally distributed doubles derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the XORWOW generator in state, increment position of generator by two.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results, and transforms them to log-normal distribution,.
- __device__ float4 curand_log_normal4 ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state, float mean, float stddev )
Return four normally distributed floats from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed float4 where each element is from a distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return four log-normally distributed floats derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the Philox4_32_10 generator in state, increment position of generator by four.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results, then transforms them to log-normal.
- __device__ double curand_log_normal_double ( curandStateScrambledSobol64_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
Return a log-normally distributed double from a scrambled Sobol64 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed double with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return a single normally distributed double derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the scrambled Sobol64 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate normally distributed results.
- __device__ double curand_log_normal_double ( curandStateSobol64_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
Return a log-normally distributed double from a Sobol64 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed double with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return a single normally distributed double derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the Sobol64 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate normally distributed results.
- __device__ double curand_log_normal_double ( curandStateScrambledSobol32_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
Return a log-normally distributed double from a scrambled Sobol32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed double with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return a single log-normally distributed double derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the scrambled Sobol32 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate normally distributed results, and transforms them into log-normal distribution.
- __device__ double curand_log_normal_double ( curandStateSobol32_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
Return a log-normally distributed double from a Sobol32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed double with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return a single log-normally distributed double derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the Sobol32 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate normally distributed results, and transforms them into log-normal distribution.
- __device__ double curand_log_normal_double ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
Return a log-normally distributed double from an MTGP32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed double with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return a single log-normally distributed double derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the MTGP32 generator in state, increment position of generator.
The implementation uses the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate normally distributed results, and transforms them into log-normal distribution.
- __device__ double curand_log_normal_double ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
Return a log-normally distributed double from an MRG32k3a generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed double with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return a single normally distributed double derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the MRG32k3a generator in state, increment position of generator.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results, transforms them to log-normal distribution, then returns them one at a time. See curand_log_normal2_double() for a more efficient version that returns both results at once.
- __device__ double curand_log_normal_double ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
Return a log-normally distributed double from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed double with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return a single normally distributed double derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the Philox4_32_10 generator in state, increment position of generator.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results, transforms them to log-normal distribution, then returns them one at a time. See curand_log_normal2_double() for a more efficient version that returns both results at once.
- __device__ double curand_log_normal_double ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state, double mean, double stddev )
Return a log-normally distributed double from an XORWOW generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- mean
- - Mean of the related normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of the related normal distribution
Log-normally distributed double with mean mean and standard deviation stddev
Return a single normally distributed double derived from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev from the XORWOW generator in state, increment position of generator.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results, transforms them to log-normal distribution, then returns them one at a time. See curand_log_normal2_double() for a more efficient version that returns both results at once.
- QUALIFIERS_MTGP32 float curand_mtgp32_single ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state )
Return a uniformly distributed float from a mtgp32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
uniformly distributed float between 0.0f and 1.0f
Return a uniformly distributed float between 0.0f and 1.0f from the mtgp32 generator in state, increment position of generator. Output range excludes 0.0f but includes 1.0f. Denormalized floating point outputs are never returned.
Note: This alternate derivation of a uniform float is provided for completeness with the original source
- QUALIFIERS_MTGP32 float curand_mtgp32_single_specific ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state, unsigned char index, unsigned char n )
Return a uniformly distributed float from a specific position in a mtgp32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- index
- - Index (0..255) of the position within the state to draw from and update
- n
- - The total number of postions in this state that are being updated by this invocation
uniformly distributed float between 0.0f and 1.0f
Return a uniformly distributed float between 0.0f and 1.0f from position index of the mtgp32 generator in state, and increment position of generator by n positions, which must be the total number of positions upddated in the state by the thread block, for this invocation. Output range excludes 0.0f but includes 1.0f. Denormalized floating point outputs are never returned.
Note 1: Thread indices must range from 0...n - 1. The number of positions updated may not exceed 256. A thread block may update more than one state, but a given state may not be updated by more than one thread block.
Note 2: This alternate derivation of a uniform float is provided for completeness with the original source
- QUALIFIERS_MTGP32 unsigned int curand_mtgp32_specific ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state, unsigned char index, unsigned char n )
Return 32-bits of pseudorandomness from a specific position in a mtgp32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- index
- - Index (0..255) of the position within the state to draw from and update
- n
- - The total number of postions in this state that are being updated by this invocation
32-bits of pseudorandomness as an unsigned int, all bits valid to use.
Return 32-bits of pseudorandomness from position index of the mtgp32 generator in state, increment position of generator by n positions, which must be the total number of positions upddated in the state by the thread block, for this invocation.
Note : Thread indices must range from 0... n - 1. The number of positions updated may not exceed 256. A thread block may update more than one state, but a given state may not be updated by more than one thread block.
- __device__ float curand_normal ( curandStateScrambledSobol64_t* state )
Return a normally distributed float from a scrambled Sobol64 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed float with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f
Return a single normally distributed float with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f from the scrambled Sobol64 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate normally distributed results.
- __device__ float curand_normal ( curandStateSobol64_t* state )
Return a normally distributed float from a Sobol64 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed float with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f
Return a single normally distributed float with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f from the Sobol64 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate normally distributed results.
- __device__ float curand_normal ( curandStateScrambledSobol32_t* state )
Return a normally distributed float from a scrambled Sobol32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed float with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f
Return a single normally distributed float with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f from the scrambled Sobol32 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate normally distributed results.
- __device__ float curand_normal ( curandStateSobol32_t* state )
Return a normally distributed float from a Sobol32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed float with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f
Return a single normally distributed float with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f from the Sobol32 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate normally distributed results.
- __device__ float curand_normal ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state )
Return a normally distributed float from a MTGP32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed float with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f
Return a single normally distributed float with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f from the MTGP32 generator in state, increment position of generator.
The implementation uses the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate normally distributed results.
- __device__ float curand_normal ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
Return a normally distributed float from an MRG32k3a generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed float with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f
Return a single normally distributed float with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f from the MRG32k3a generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results, then returns them one at a time. See curand_normal2() for a more efficient version that returns both results at once.
- __device__ float curand_normal ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
Return a normally distributed float from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed float with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f
Return a single normally distributed float with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f from the Philox4_32_10 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results, then returns them one at a time. See curand_normal2() for a more efficient version that returns both results at once.
- __device__ float curand_normal ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state )
Return a normally distributed float from an XORWOW generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed float with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f
Return a single normally distributed float with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f from the XORWOW generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results, then returns them one at a time. See curand_normal2() for a more efficient version that returns both results at once.
- __device__ float2 curand_normal2 ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
Return two normally distributed floats from an MRG32k3a generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed float2 where each element is from a distribution with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f
Return two normally distributed floats with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f from the MRG32k3a generator in state, increment position of generator by two.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results.
- __device__ float2 curand_normal2 ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
Return two normally distributed floats from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed float2 where each element is from a distribution with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f
Return two normally distributed floats with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f from the Philox4_32_10 generator in state, increment position of generator by two.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results.
- __device__ float2 curand_normal2 ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state )
Return two normally distributed floats from an XORWOW generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed float2 where each element is from a distribution with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f
Return two normally distributed floats with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f from the XORWOW generator in state, increment position of generator by two.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results.
- __device__ double2 curand_normal2_double ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
Return two normally distributed doubles from an MRG32k3a generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed double2 where each element is from a distribution with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0
Return two normally distributed doubles with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0 from the MRG32k3a generator in state, increment position of generator.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results.
- __device__ double2 curand_normal2_double ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
Return two normally distributed doubles from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed double2 where each element is from a distribution with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0
Return two normally distributed doubles with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0 from the Philox4_32_10 generator in state, increment position of generator by 2.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results.
- __device__ double2 curand_normal2_double ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state )
Return two normally distributed doubles from an XORWOW generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed double2 where each element is from a distribution with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0
Return two normally distributed doubles with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0 from the XORWOW generator in state, increment position of generator by 2.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results.
- __device__ float4 curand_normal4 ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
Return four normally distributed floats from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed float2 where each element is from a distribution with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f
Return four normally distributed floats with mean 0.0f and standard deviation 1.0f from the Philox4_32_10 generator in state, increment position of generator by four.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results.
- __device__ double curand_normal_double ( curandStateScrambledSobol64_t* state )
Return a normally distributed double from a scrambled Sobol64 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed double with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0
Return a single normally distributed double with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0 from the scrambled Sobol64 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate normally distributed results.
- __device__ double curand_normal_double ( curandStateSobol64_t* state )
Return a normally distributed double from a Sobol64 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed double with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0
Return a single normally distributed double with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0 from the Sobol64 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate normally distributed results.
- __device__ double curand_normal_double ( curandStateScrambledSobol32_t* state )
Return a normally distributed double from a scrambled Sobol32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed double with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0
Return a single normally distributed double with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0 from the scrambled Sobol32 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate normally distributed results.
- __device__ double curand_normal_double ( curandStateSobol32_t* state )
Return a normally distributed double from an Sobol32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed double with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0
Return a single normally distributed double with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0 from the Sobol32 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
The implementation uses the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate normally distributed results.
- __device__ double curand_normal_double ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state )
Return a normally distributed double from an MTGP32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed double with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0
Return a single normally distributed double with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0 from the MTGP32 generator in state, increment position of generator.
The implementation uses the inverse cumulative distribution function to generate normally distributed results.
- __device__ double curand_normal_double ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
Return a normally distributed double from an MRG32k3a generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed double with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0
Return a single normally distributed double with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0 from the XORWOW generator in state, increment position of generator.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results, then returns them one at a time. See curand_normal2_double() for a more efficient version that returns both results at once.
- __device__ double curand_normal_double ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
Return a normally distributed double from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed double with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0
Return a single normally distributed double with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0 from the Philox4_32_10 generator in state, increment position of generator.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results, then returns them one at a time. See curand_normal2_double() for a more efficient version that returns both results at once.
- __device__ double curand_normal_double ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state )
Return a normally distributed double from an XORWOW generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Normally distributed double with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0
Return a single normally distributed double with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0 from the XORWOW generator in state, increment position of generator.
The implementation uses a Box-Muller transform to generate two normally distributed results, then returns them one at a time. See curand_normal2_double() for a more efficient version that returns both results at once.
- __device__ unsigned int curand_poisson ( curandStateScrambledSobol64_t* state, double lambda )
Return a Poisson-distributed unsigned int from a scrambled Sobol64 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- lambda
- - Lambda of the Poisson distribution
Poisson-distributed unsigned int with lambda lambda
Return a single unsigned int from a Poisson distribution with lambda lambda from the scrambled Sobol64 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
- __device__ unsigned int curand_poisson ( curandStateSobol64_t* state, double lambda )
Return a Poisson-distributed unsigned int from a Sobol64 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- lambda
- - Lambda of the Poisson distribution
Poisson-distributed unsigned int with lambda lambda
Return a single unsigned int from a Poisson distribution with lambda lambda from the Sobol64 generator in state, increment position of generator by one.
- __device__ unsigned int curand_poisson ( curandStateScrambledSobol32_t* state, double lambda )
Return a Poisson-distributed unsigned int from a scrambled Sobol32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- lambda
- - Lambda of the Poisson distribution
Poisson-distributed unsigned int with lambda lambda
Return a single unsigned int from a Poisson distribution with lambda lambda from the scrambled Sobol32 generator in state, increment the position of the generator by one.
- __device__ unsigned int curand_poisson ( curandStateSobol32_t* state, double lambda )
Return a Poisson-distributed unsigned int from a Sobol32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- lambda
- - Lambda of the Poisson distribution
Poisson-distributed unsigned int with lambda lambda
Return a single unsigned int from a Poisson distribution with lambda lambda from the Sobol32 generator in state, increment the position of the generator by one.
- __device__ unsigned int curand_poisson ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state, double lambda )
Return a Poisson-distributed unsigned int from a MTGP32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- lambda
- - Lambda of the Poisson distribution
Poisson-distributed unsigned int with lambda lambda
Return a single int from a Poisson distribution with lambda lambda from the MTGP32 generator in state, increment the position of the generator by one.
- __device__ unsigned int curand_poisson ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state, double lambda )
Return a Poisson-distributed unsigned int from a MRG32k3A generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- lambda
- - Lambda of the Poisson distribution
Poisson-distributed unsigned int with lambda lambda
Return a single unsigned int from a Poisson distribution with lambda lambda from the MRG32k3a generator in state, increment the position of the generator by a variable amount, depending on the algorithm used.
- __device__ unsigned int curand_poisson ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state, double lambda )
Return a Poisson-distributed unsigned int from a Philox4_32_10 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- lambda
- - Lambda of the Poisson distribution
Poisson-distributed unsigned int with lambda lambda
Return a single unsigned int from a Poisson distribution with lambda lambda from the Philox4_32_10 generator in state, increment the position of the generator by a variable amount, depending on the algorithm used.
- __device__ unsigned int curand_poisson ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state, double lambda )
Return a Poisson-distributed unsigned int from a XORWOW generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- lambda
- - Lambda of the Poisson distribution
Poisson-distributed unsigned int with lambda lambda
Return a single unsigned int from a Poisson distribution with lambda lambda from the XORWOW generator in state, increment the position of the generator by a variable amount, depending on the algorithm used.
- __device__ uint4 curand_poisson4 ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state, double lambda )
Return four Poisson-distributed unsigned ints from a Philox4_32_10 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
- lambda
- - Lambda of the Poisson distribution
Poisson-distributed unsigned int with lambda lambda
Return a four unsigned ints from a Poisson distribution with lambda lambda from the Philox4_32_10 generator in state, increment the position of the generator by a variable amount, depending on the algorithm used.
- __device__ float curand_uniform ( curandStateScrambledSobol64_t* state )
Return a uniformly distributed float from a scrambled Sobol64 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
uniformly distributed float between 0.0f and 1.0f
Return a uniformly distributed float between 0.0f and 1.0f from the scrambled Sobol64 generator in state, increment position of generator. Output range excludes 0.0f but includes 1.0f. Denormalized floating point outputs are never returned.
The implementation is guaranteed to use a single call to curand().
- __device__ float curand_uniform ( curandStateSobol64_t* state )
Return a uniformly distributed float from a Sobol64 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
uniformly distributed float between 0.0f and 1.0f
Return a uniformly distributed float between 0.0f and 1.0f from the Sobol64 generator in state, increment position of generator. Output range excludes 0.0f but includes 1.0f. Denormalized floating point outputs are never returned.
The implementation is guaranteed to use a single call to curand().
- __device__ float curand_uniform ( curandStateScrambledSobol32_t* state )
Return a uniformly distributed float from a scrambled Sobol32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
uniformly distributed float between 0.0f and 1.0f
Return a uniformly distributed float between 0.0f and 1.0f from the scrambled Sobol32 generator in state, increment position of generator. Output range excludes 0.0f but includes 1.0f. Denormalized floating point outputs are never returned.
The implementation is guaranteed to use a single call to curand().
- __device__ float curand_uniform ( curandStateSobol32_t* state )
Return a uniformly distributed float from a Sobol32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
uniformly distributed float between 0.0f and 1.0f
Return a uniformly distributed float between 0.0f and 1.0f from the Sobol32 generator in state, increment position of generator. Output range excludes 0.0f but includes 1.0f. Denormalized floating point outputs are never returned.
The implementation is guaranteed to use a single call to curand().
- __device__ float curand_uniform ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state )
Return a uniformly distributed float from a MTGP32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
uniformly distributed float between 0.0f and 1.0f
Return a uniformly distributed float between 0.0f and 1.0f from the MTGP32 generator in state, increment position of generator. Output range excludes 0.0f but includes 1.0f. Denormalized floating point outputs are never returned.
- __device__ float curand_uniform ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
Return a uniformly distributed float from a Philox4_32_10 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
uniformly distributed float between 0.0 and 1.0
Return a uniformly distributed float between 0.0f and 1.0f from the Philox4_32_10 generator in state, increment position of generator. Output range excludes 0.0f but includes 1.0f. Denormalized floating point outputs are never returned.
- __device__ float curand_uniform ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
Return a uniformly distributed float from an MRG32k3a generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
uniformly distributed float between 0.0f and 1.0f
Return a uniformly distributed float between 0.0f and 1.0f from the MRG32k3a generator in state, increment position of generator. Output range excludes 0.0f but includes 1.0f. Denormalized floating point outputs are never returned.
The implementation returns up to 23 bits of mantissa, with the minimum return value \( 2^{-32} \)
- __device__ float curand_uniform ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state )
Return a uniformly distributed float from an XORWOW generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
uniformly distributed float between 0.0f and 1.0f
Return a uniformly distributed float between 0.0f and 1.0f from the XORWOW generator in state, increment position of generator. Output range excludes 0.0f but includes 1.0f. Denormalized floating point outputs are never returned.
The implementation may use any number of calls to curand() to get enough random bits to create the return value. The current implementation uses one call.
- __device__ double2 curand_uniform2_double ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
Return a uniformly distributed tuple of 2 doubles from an Philox4_32_10 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
2 uniformly distributed doubles between 0.0 and 1.0
Return a uniformly distributed 2 doubles (double4) between 0.0 and 1.0 from the Philox4_32_10 generator in state, increment position of generator by 4. Output range excludes 0.0 but includes 1.0. Denormalized floating point outputs are never returned.
- __device__ float4 curand_uniform4 ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
Return a uniformly distributed tuple of 4 floats from a Philox4_32_10 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
uniformly distributed float between 0.0 and 1.0
Return a uniformly distributed 4 floats between 0.0f and 1.0f from the Philox4_32_10 generator in state, increment position of generator by 4. Output range excludes 0.0f but includes 1.0f. Denormalized floating point outputs are never returned.
- __device__ double curand_uniform_double ( curandStateScrambledSobol64_t* state )
Return a uniformly distributed double from a scrambled Sobol64 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
uniformly distributed double between 0.0 and 1.0
Return a uniformly distributed double between 0.0 and 1.0 from the scrambled Sobol64 generator in state, increment position of generator. Output range excludes 0.0 but includes 1.0. Denormalized floating point outputs are never returned.
The implementation is guaranteed to use a single call to curand() to preserve the quasirandom properties of the sequence.
- __device__ double curand_uniform_double ( curandStateSobol64_t* state )
Return a uniformly distributed double from a Sobol64 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
uniformly distributed double between 0.0 and 1.0
Return a uniformly distributed double between 0.0 and 1.0 from the Sobol64 generator in state, increment position of generator. Output range excludes 0.0 but includes 1.0. Denormalized floating point outputs are never returned.
The implementation is guaranteed to use a single call to curand() to preserve the quasirandom properties of the sequence.
- __device__ double curand_uniform_double ( curandStateScrambledSobol32_t* state )
Return a uniformly distributed double from a scrambled Sobol32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
uniformly distributed double between 0.0 and 1.0
Return a uniformly distributed double between 0.0 and 1.0 from the scrambled Sobol32 generator in state, increment position of generator. Output range excludes 0.0 but includes 1.0. Denormalized floating point outputs are never returned.
The implementation is guaranteed to use a single call to curand() to preserve the quasirandom properties of the sequence.
- __device__ double curand_uniform_double ( curandStateSobol32_t* state )
Return a uniformly distributed double from a Sobol32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
uniformly distributed double between 0.0 and 1.0
Return a uniformly distributed double between 0.0 and 1.0 from the Sobol32 generator in state, increment position of generator. Output range excludes 0.0 but includes 1.0. Denormalized floating point outputs are never returned.
The implementation is guaranteed to use a single call to curand() to preserve the quasirandom properties of the sequence.
- __device__ double curand_uniform_double ( curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
Return a uniformly distributed double from a Philox4_32_10 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
uniformly distributed double between 0.0f and 1.0f
Return a uniformly distributed double between 0.0f and 1.0f from the Philox4_32_10 generator in state, increment position of generator. Output range excludes 0.0f but includes 1.0f. Denormalized floating point outputs are never returned.
- __device__ double curand_uniform_double ( curandStateMtgp32_t* state )
Return a uniformly distributed double from a MTGP32 generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
uniformly distributed double between 0.0f and 1.0f
Return a uniformly distributed double between 0.0f and 1.0f from the MTGP32 generator in state, increment position of generator. Output range excludes 0.0f but includes 1.0f. Denormalized floating point outputs are never returned.
- __device__ double curand_uniform_double ( curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
Return a uniformly distributed double from an MRG32k3a generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
uniformly distributed double between 0.0 and 1.0
Return a uniformly distributed double between 0.0 and 1.0 from the MRG32k3a generator in state, increment position of generator. Output range excludes 0.0 but includes 1.0. Denormalized floating point outputs are never returned.
Note the implementation returns at most 32 random bits of mantissa as outlined in the seminal paper by L'Ecuyer.
- __device__ double curand_uniform_double ( curandStateXORWOW_t* state )
Return a uniformly distributed double from an XORWOW generator.
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
uniformly distributed double between 0.0 and 1.0
Return a uniformly distributed double between 0.0 and 1.0 from the XORWOW generator in state, increment position of generator. Output range excludes 0.0 but includes 1.0. Denormalized floating point outputs are never returned.
The implementation may use any number of calls to curand() to get enough random bits to create the return value. The current implementation uses exactly two calls.
template < typename T >
__device__ void skipahead ( unsigned long long n, T state ) [inline] -
Update Sobol64 state to skip n elements.
- n
- - Number of elements to skip
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Update the Sobol64 state in state to skip ahead n elements.
All values of n are valid.
template < typename T >
__device__ void skipahead ( unsigned int n, T state ) [inline] -
Update Sobol32 state to skip n elements.
- n
- - Number of elements to skip
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Update the Sobol32 state in state to skip ahead n elements.
All values of n are valid.
- __device__ void skipahead ( unsigned long long n, curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
Update MRG32k3a state to skip n elements.
- n
- - Number of elements to skip
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Update the MRG32k3a state in state to skip ahead n elements.
All values of n are valid. Large values require more computation and so will take more time to complete.
- __device__ void skipahead ( unsigned long long n, curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
Update Philox4_32_10 state to skip n elements.
- n
- - Number of elements to skip
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Update the Philox4_32_10 state in state to skip ahead n elements.
All values of n are valid.
- __device__ void skipahead ( unsigned long long n, curandStateXORWOW_t* state )
Update XORWOW state to skip n elements.
- n
- - Number of elements to skip
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Update the XORWOW state in state to skip ahead n elements.
All values of n are valid. Large values require more computation and so will take more time to complete.
- __device__ void skipahead_sequence ( unsigned long long n, curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
Update MRG32k3a state to skip ahead n sequences.
- n
- - Number of sequences to skip
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Update the MRG32k3a state in state to skip ahead n sequences. Each sequence is 2127 elements long, so this means the function will skip ahead 2127 * n elements.
All values of n are valid. Large values require more computation and so will take more time to complete.
- __device__ void skipahead_sequence ( unsigned long long n, curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state )
Update Philox4_32_10 state to skip ahead n subsequences.
- n
- - Number of subsequences to skip
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Update the Philox4_32_10 state in state to skip ahead n subsequences. Each subsequence is 266 elements long, so this means the function will skip ahead 266 * n elements.
All values of n are valid.
- __device__ void skipahead_sequence ( unsigned long long n, curandStateXORWOW_t* state )
Update XORWOW state to skip ahead n subsequences.
- n
- - Number of subsequences to skip
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Update the XORWOW state in state to skip ahead n subsequences. Each subsequence is 267 elements long, so this means the function will skip ahead 267 * n elements.
All values of n are valid. Large values require more computation and so will take more time to complete.
- __device__ void skipahead_subsequence ( unsigned long long n, curandStateMRG32k3a_t* state )
Update MRG32k3a state to skip ahead n subsequences.
- n
- - Number of subsequences to skip
- state
- - Pointer to state to update
Update the MRG32k3a state in state to skip ahead n subsequences. Each subsequence is 2127
276 elements long, so this means the function will skip ahead 267 * n elements.
Valid values of n are 0 to 251. Note n will be masked to 51 bits