5.1. Host API
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandCreateGenerator ( curandGenerator_t* generator, curandRngType_t rng_type )
- Create new random number generator.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandCreateGeneratorHost ( curandGenerator_t* generator, curandRngType_t rng_type )
- Create new host CPU random number generator.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandCreatePoissonDistribution ( double lambda, curandDiscreteDistribution_t* discrete_distribution )
- Construct the histogram array for a Poisson distribution.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandDestroyDistribution ( curandDiscreteDistribution_t discrete_distribution )
- Destroy the histogram array for a discrete distribution (e.g. Poisson).
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandDestroyGenerator ( curandGenerator_t generator )
- Destroy an existing generator.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGenerate ( curandGenerator_t generator, unsigned int* outputPtr, size_t num )
- Generate 32-bit pseudo or quasirandom numbers.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGenerateLogNormal ( curandGenerator_t generator, float* outputPtr, size_t n, float mean, float stddev )
- Generate log-normally distributed floats.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGenerateLogNormalDouble ( curandGenerator_t generator, double* outputPtr, size_t n, double mean, double stddev )
- Generate log-normally distributed doubles.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGenerateLongLong ( curandGenerator_t generator, unsigned long long* outputPtr, size_t num )
- Generate 64-bit quasirandom numbers.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGenerateNormal ( curandGenerator_t generator, float* outputPtr, size_t n, float mean, float stddev )
- Generate normally distributed doubles.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGenerateNormalDouble ( curandGenerator_t generator, double* outputPtr, size_t n, double mean, double stddev )
- Generate normally distributed doubles.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGeneratePoisson ( curandGenerator_t generator, unsigned int* outputPtr, size_t n, double lambda )
- Generate Poisson-distributed unsigned ints.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGenerateSeeds ( curandGenerator_t generator )
- Setup starting states.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGenerateUniform ( curandGenerator_t generator, float* outputPtr, size_t num )
- Generate uniformly distributed floats.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGenerateUniformDouble ( curandGenerator_t generator, double* outputPtr, size_t num )
- Generate uniformly distributed doubles.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGetDirectionVectors32 ( curandDirectionVectors32_t* vectors, curandDirectionVectorSet_t set )
- Get direction vectors for 32-bit quasirandom number generation.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGetDirectionVectors64 ( curandDirectionVectors64_t* vectors, curandDirectionVectorSet_t set )
- Get direction vectors for 64-bit quasirandom number generation.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGetProperty ( libraryPropertyType type, int* value )
- Return the value of the curand property.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGetScrambleConstants32 ( unsigned int** constants )
- Get scramble constants for 32-bit scrambled Sobol' .
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGetScrambleConstants64 ( unsigned long long** constants )
- Get scramble constants for 64-bit scrambled Sobol' .
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGetVersion ( int* version )
- Return the version number of the library.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandSetGeneratorOffset ( curandGenerator_t generator, unsigned long long offset )
- Set the absolute offset of the pseudo or quasirandom number generator.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandSetGeneratorOrdering ( curandGenerator_t generator, curandOrdering_t order )
- Set the ordering of results of the pseudo or quasirandom number generator.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandSetPseudoRandomGeneratorSeed ( curandGenerator_t generator, unsigned long long seed )
- Set the seed value of the pseudo-random number generator.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandSetQuasiRandomGeneratorDimensions ( curandGenerator_t generator, unsigned int num_dimensions )
- Set the number of dimensions.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandSetStream ( curandGenerator_t generator, cudaStream_t stream )
- Set the current stream for CURAND kernel launches.
- enum HOST::curandDirectionVectorSet [inherited]
CURAND choice of direction vector set
- Specific set of 32-bit direction vectors generated from polynomials recommended by S. Joe and F. Y. Kuo, for up to 20,000 dimensions.
- Specific set of 32-bit direction vectors generated from polynomials recommended by S. Joe and F. Y. Kuo, for up to 20,000 dimensions, and scrambled.
- Specific set of 64-bit direction vectors generated from polynomials recommended by S. Joe and F. Y. Kuo, for up to 20,000 dimensions.
- Specific set of 64-bit direction vectors generated from polynomials recommended by S. Joe and F. Y. Kuo, for up to 20,000 dimensions, and scrambled.
- enum HOST::curandOrdering [inherited]
CURAND ordering of results in memory
- Best ordering for pseudorandom results.
- Specific default 4096 thread sequence for pseudorandom results.
- Specific seeding pattern for fast lower quality pseudorandom results.
- Specific n-dimensional ordering for quasirandom results.
- enum HOST::curandRngType [inherited]
CURAND generator types
- Default pseudorandom generator.
- XORWOW pseudorandom generator.
- MRG32k3a pseudorandom generator.
- Mersenne Twister MTGP32 pseudorandom generator.
- Mersenne Twister MT19937 pseudorandom generator.
- PHILOX-4x32-10 pseudorandom generator.
- Default quasirandom generator.
- Sobol32 quasirandom generator.
- Scrambled Sobol32 quasirandom generator.
- Sobol64 quasirandom generator.
- Scrambled Sobol64 quasirandom generator.
- enum HOST::curandStatus [inherited]
CURAND function call status types
- No errors.
- Header file and linked library version do not match.
- Generator not initialized.
- Memory allocation failed.
- Generator is wrong type.
- Argument out of range.
- Length requested is not a multple of dimension.
- GPU does not have double precision required by MRG32k3a.
- Kernel launch failure.
- Preexisting failure on library entry.
- Initialization of CUDA failed.
- Architecture mismatch, GPU does not support requested feature.
- Internal library error.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandCreateGenerator ( curandGenerator_t* generator, curandRngType_t rng_type )
Create new random number generator.
- generator
- - Pointer to generator
- rng_type
- - Type of generator to create
- CURAND_STATUS_ALLOCATION_FAILED, if memory could not be allocated
- CURAND_STATUS_INITIALIZATION_FAILED if there was a problem setting up the GPU
- CURAND_STATUS_VERSION_MISMATCH if the header file version does not match the dynamically linked library version
- CURAND_STATUS_TYPE_ERROR if the value for rng_type is invalid
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if generator was created successfully
CURAND generator CURAND distribution CURAND distribution M2 Creates a new random number generator of type rng_type and returns it in *generator.
Legal values for rng_type are:
When rng_type is CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_DEFAULT, the type chosen is CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_XORWOW. When rng_type is CURAND_RNG_QUASI_DEFAULT, the type chosen is CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SOBOL32.
The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_XORWOW are:
seed = 0
offset = 0
The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_MRG32K3A are:
seed = 0
offset = 0
The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_MTGP32 are:
seed = 0
offset = 0
The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_MT19937 are:
seed = 0
offset = 0
* The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_PHILOX4_32_10 are:
seed = 0
offset = 0
The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SOBOL32 are:
dimensions = 1
offset = 0
The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SOBOL64 are:
dimensions = 1
offset = 0
The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SCRAMBBLED_SOBOL32 are:
dimensions = 1
offset = 0
The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SCRAMBLED_SOBOL64 are:
dimensions = 1
offset = 0
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandCreateGeneratorHost ( curandGenerator_t* generator, curandRngType_t rng_type )
Create new host CPU random number generator.
- generator
- - Pointer to generator
- rng_type
- - Type of generator to create
- CURAND_STATUS_ALLOCATION_FAILED if memory could not be allocated
- CURAND_STATUS_INITIALIZATION_FAILED if there was a problem setting up the GPU
- CURAND_STATUS_VERSION_MISMATCH if the header file version does not match the dynamically linked library version
- CURAND_STATUS_TYPE_ERROR if the value for rng_type is invalid
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if generator was created successfully
Creates a new host CPU random number generator of type rng_type and returns it in *generator.
Legal values for rng_type are:
When rng_type is CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_DEFAULT, the type chosen is CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_XORWOW. When rng_type is CURAND_RNG_QUASI_DEFAULT, the type chosen is CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SOBOL32.
The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_XORWOW are:
seed = 0
offset = 0
The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_MRG32K3A are:
seed = 0
offset = 0
The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_MTGP32 are:
seed = 0
offset = 0
The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_MT19937 are:
seed = 0
offset = 0
* The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_PHILOX4_32_10 are:
seed = 0
offset = 0
The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SOBOL32 are:
dimensions = 1
offset = 0
The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SOBOL64 are:
dimensions = 1
offset = 0
The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SCRAMBLED_SOBOL32 are:
dimensions = 1
offset = 0
The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SCRAMBLED_SOBOL64 are:
dimensions = 1
offset = 0
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandCreatePoissonDistribution ( double lambda, curandDiscreteDistribution_t* discrete_distribution )
Construct the histogram array for a Poisson distribution.
- lambda
- - lambda for the Poisson distribution
- discrete_distribution
- - pointer to the histogram in device memory
- CURAND_STATUS_ALLOCATION_FAILED if memory could not be allocated
- CURAND_STATUS_DOUBLE_PRECISION_REQUIRED if the GPU does not support double precision
- CURAND_STATUS_INITIALIZATION_FAILED if there was a problem setting up the GPU
- CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the distribution pointer was null
- CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from a previous kernel launch
- CURAND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE if lambda is non-positive or greater than 400,000
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the histogram was generated successfully
Construct the histogram array for the Poisson distribution with lambda lambda. For lambda greater than 2000, an approximation with a normal distribution is used.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandDestroyDistribution ( curandDiscreteDistribution_t discrete_distribution )
Destroy the histogram array for a discrete distribution (e.g. Poisson).
- discrete_distribution
- - pointer to device memory where the histogram is stored
- CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the histogram was never created
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the histogram was destroyed successfully
Destroy the histogram array for a discrete distribution created by curandCreatePoissonDistribution.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandDestroyGenerator ( curandGenerator_t generator )
Destroy an existing generator.
- generator
- - Generator to destroy
- CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if generator was destroyed successfully
Destroy an existing generator and free all memory associated with its state.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGenerate ( curandGenerator_t generator, unsigned int* outputPtr, size_t num )
Generate 32-bit pseudo or quasirandom numbers.
- generator
- - Generator to use
- outputPtr
- - Pointer to device memory to store CUDA-generated results, or Pointer to host memory to store CPU-generated results
- num
- - Number of random 32-bit values to generate
- CURAND_STATUS_ALLOCATION_FAILED if memory could not be allocated
- CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
- CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from a previous kernel launch
- CURAND_STATUS_LENGTH_NOT_MULTIPLE if the number of output samples is not a multiple of the quasirandom dimension
- CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
- CURAND_STATUS_TYPE_ERROR if the generator is a 64 bit quasirandom generator. (use curandGenerateLongLong() with 64 bit quasirandom generators)
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the results were generated successfully
Use generator to generate num 32-bit results into the device memory at outputPtr. The device memory must have been previously allocated and be large enough to hold all the results. Launches are done with the stream set using curandSetStream(), or the null stream if no stream has been set.
Results are 32-bit values with every bit random.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGenerateLogNormal ( curandGenerator_t generator, float* outputPtr, size_t n, float mean, float stddev )
Generate log-normally distributed floats.
- generator
- - Generator to use
- outputPtr
- - Pointer to device memory to store CUDA-generated results, or Pointer to host memory to store CPU-generated results
- n
- - Number of floats to generate
- mean
- - Mean of associated normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of associated normal distribution
- CURAND_STATUS_ALLOCATION_FAILED if memory could not be allocated
- CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
- CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from a previous kernel launch
- CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
- CURAND_STATUS_LENGTH_NOT_MULTIPLE if the number of output samples is not a multiple of the quasirandom dimension, or is not a multiple of two for pseudorandom generators
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the results were generated successfully
Use generator to generate n float results into the device memory at outputPtr. The device memory must have been previously allocated and be large enough to hold all the results. Launches are done with the stream set using curandSetStream(), or the null stream if no stream has been set.
Results are 32-bit floating point values with log-normal distribution based on an associated normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev.
Normally distributed results are generated from pseudorandom generators with a Box-Muller transform, and so require n to be even. Quasirandom generators use an inverse cumulative distribution function to preserve dimensionality. The normally distributed results are transformed into log-normal distribution.
There may be slight numerical differences between results generated on the GPU with generators created with curandCreateGenerator() and results calculated on the CPU with generators created with curandCreateGeneratorHost(). These differences arise because of differences in results for transcendental functions. In addition, future versions of CURAND may use newer versions of the CUDA math library, so different versions of CURAND may give slightly different numerical values.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGenerateLogNormalDouble ( curandGenerator_t generator, double* outputPtr, size_t n, double mean, double stddev )
Generate log-normally distributed doubles.
- generator
- - Generator to use
- outputPtr
- - Pointer to device memory to store CUDA-generated results, or Pointer to host memory to store CPU-generated results
- n
- - Number of doubles to generate
- mean
- - Mean of normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of normal distribution
- CURAND_STATUS_ALLOCATION_FAILED if memory could not be allocated
- CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
- CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from a previous kernel launch
- CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
- CURAND_STATUS_LENGTH_NOT_MULTIPLE if the number of output samples is not a multiple of the quasirandom dimension, or is not a multiple of two for pseudorandom generators
- CURAND_STATUS_DOUBLE_PRECISION_REQUIRED if the GPU does not support double precision
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the results were generated successfully
Use generator to generate n double results into the device memory at outputPtr. The device memory must have been previously allocated and be large enough to hold all the results. Launches are done with the stream set using curandSetStream(), or the null stream if no stream has been set.
Results are 64-bit floating point values with log-normal distribution based on an associated normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev.
Normally distributed results are generated from pseudorandom generators with a Box-Muller transform, and so require n to be even. Quasirandom generators use an inverse cumulative distribution function to preserve dimensionality. The normally distributed results are transformed into log-normal distribution.
There may be slight numerical differences between results generated on the GPU with generators created with curandCreateGenerator() and results calculated on the CPU with generators created with curandCreateGeneratorHost(). These differences arise because of differences in results for transcendental functions. In addition, future versions of CURAND may use newer versions of the CUDA math library, so different versions of CURAND may give slightly different numerical values.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGenerateLongLong ( curandGenerator_t generator, unsigned long long* outputPtr, size_t num )
Generate 64-bit quasirandom numbers.
- generator
- - Generator to use
- outputPtr
- - Pointer to device memory to store CUDA-generated results, or Pointer to host memory to store CPU-generated results
- num
- - Number of random 64-bit values to generate
- CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
- CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from a previous kernel launch
- CURAND_STATUS_LENGTH_NOT_MULTIPLE if the number of output samples is not a multiple of the quasirandom dimension
- CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
- CURAND_STATUS_TYPE_ERROR if the generator is not a 64 bit quasirandom generator
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the results were generated successfully
Use generator to generate num 64-bit results into the device memory at outputPtr. The device memory must have been previously allocated and be large enough to hold all the results. Launches are done with the stream set using curandSetStream(), or the null stream if no stream has been set.
Results are 64-bit values with every bit random.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGenerateNormal ( curandGenerator_t generator, float* outputPtr, size_t n, float mean, float stddev )
Generate normally distributed doubles.
- generator
- - Generator to use
- outputPtr
- - Pointer to device memory to store CUDA-generated results, or Pointer to host memory to store CPU-generated results
- n
- - Number of floats to generate
- mean
- - Mean of normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of normal distribution
- CURAND_STATUS_ALLOCATION_FAILED if memory could not be allocated
- CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
- CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from a previous kernel launch
- CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
- CURAND_STATUS_LENGTH_NOT_MULTIPLE if the number of output samples is not a multiple of the quasirandom dimension, or is not a multiple of two for pseudorandom generators
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the results were generated successfully
Use generator to generate n float results into the device memory at outputPtr. The device memory must have been previously allocated and be large enough to hold all the results. Launches are done with the stream set using curandSetStream(), or the null stream if no stream has been set.
Results are 32-bit floating point values with mean mean and standard deviation stddev.
Normally distributed results are generated from pseudorandom generators with a Box-Muller transform, and so require n to be even. Quasirandom generators use an inverse cumulative distribution function to preserve dimensionality.
There may be slight numerical differences between results generated on the GPU with generators created with curandCreateGenerator() and results calculated on the CPU with generators created with curandCreateGeneratorHost(). These differences arise because of differences in results for transcendental functions. In addition, future versions of CURAND may use newer versions of the CUDA math library, so different versions of CURAND may give slightly different numerical values.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGenerateNormalDouble ( curandGenerator_t generator, double* outputPtr, size_t n, double mean, double stddev )
Generate normally distributed doubles.
- generator
- - Generator to use
- outputPtr
- - Pointer to device memory to store CUDA-generated results, or Pointer to host memory to store CPU-generated results
- n
- - Number of doubles to generate
- mean
- - Mean of normal distribution
- stddev
- - Standard deviation of normal distribution
- CURAND_STATUS_ALLOCATION_FAILED if memory could not be allocated
- CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
- CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from a previous kernel launch
- CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
- CURAND_STATUS_LENGTH_NOT_MULTIPLE if the number of output samples is not a multiple of the quasirandom dimension, or is not a multiple of two for pseudorandom generators
- CURAND_STATUS_DOUBLE_PRECISION_REQUIRED if the GPU does not support double precision
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the results were generated successfully
Use generator to generate n double results into the device memory at outputPtr. The device memory must have been previously allocated and be large enough to hold all the results. Launches are done with the stream set using curandSetStream(), or the null stream if no stream has been set.
Results are 64-bit floating point values with mean mean and standard deviation stddev.
Normally distributed results are generated from pseudorandom generators with a Box-Muller transform, and so require n to be even. Quasirandom generators use an inverse cumulative distribution function to preserve dimensionality.
There may be slight numerical differences between results generated on the GPU with generators created with curandCreateGenerator() and results calculated on the CPU with generators created with curandCreateGeneratorHost(). These differences arise because of differences in results for transcendental functions. In addition, future versions of CURAND may use newer versions of the CUDA math library, so different versions of CURAND may give slightly different numerical values.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGeneratePoisson ( curandGenerator_t generator, unsigned int* outputPtr, size_t n, double lambda )
Generate Poisson-distributed unsigned ints.
- generator
- - Generator to use
- outputPtr
- - Pointer to device memory to store CUDA-generated results, or Pointer to host memory to store CPU-generated results
- n
- - Number of unsigned ints to generate
- lambda
- - lambda for the Poisson distribution
- CURAND_STATUS_ALLOCATION_FAILED if memory could not be allocated
- CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
- CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from a previous kernel launch
- CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
- CURAND_STATUS_LENGTH_NOT_MULTIPLE if the number of output samples is not a multiple of the quasirandom dimension
- CURAND_STATUS_DOUBLE_PRECISION_REQUIRED if the GPU or sm does not support double precision
- CURAND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE if lambda is non-positive or greater than 400,000
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the results were generated successfully
Use generator to generate n unsigned int results into device memory at outputPtr. The device memory must have been previously allocated and must be large enough to hold all the results. Launches are done with the stream set using curandSetStream(), or the null stream if no stream has been set.
Results are 32-bit unsigned int point values with Poisson distribution, with lambda lambda.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGenerateSeeds ( curandGenerator_t generator )
Setup starting states.
- generator
- - Generator to update
- CURAND_STATUS_ALLOCATION_FAILED if memory could not be allocated
- CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
- CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from a previous kernel launch
- CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the seeds were generated successfully
Generate the starting state of the generator. This function is automatically called by generation functions such as curandGenerate() and curandGenerateUniform(). It can be called manually for performance testing reasons to separate timings for starting state generation and random number generation.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGenerateUniform ( curandGenerator_t generator, float* outputPtr, size_t num )
Generate uniformly distributed floats.
- generator
- - Generator to use
- outputPtr
- - Pointer to device memory to store CUDA-generated results, or Pointer to host memory to store CPU-generated results
- num
- - Number of floats to generate
- CURAND_STATUS_ALLOCATION_FAILED if memory could not be allocated
- CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
- CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from a previous kernel launch
- CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
- CURAND_STATUS_LENGTH_NOT_MULTIPLE if the number of output samples is not a multiple of the quasirandom dimension
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the results were generated successfully
Use generator to generate num float results into the device memory at outputPtr. The device memory must have been previously allocated and be large enough to hold all the results. Launches are done with the stream set using curandSetStream(), or the null stream if no stream has been set.
Results are 32-bit floating point values between 0.0f and 1.0f, excluding 0.0f and including 1.0f.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGenerateUniformDouble ( curandGenerator_t generator, double* outputPtr, size_t num )
Generate uniformly distributed doubles.
- generator
- - Generator to use
- outputPtr
- - Pointer to device memory to store CUDA-generated results, or Pointer to host memory to store CPU-generated results
- num
- - Number of doubles to generate
- CURAND_STATUS_ALLOCATION_FAILED if memory could not be allocated
- CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
- CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from a previous kernel launch
- CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
- CURAND_STATUS_LENGTH_NOT_MULTIPLE if the number of output samples is not a multiple of the quasirandom dimension
- CURAND_STATUS_DOUBLE_PRECISION_REQUIRED if the GPU does not support double precision
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the results were generated successfully
Use generator to generate num double results into the device memory at outputPtr. The device memory must have been previously allocated and be large enough to hold all the results. Launches are done with the stream set using curandSetStream(), or the null stream if no stream has been set.
Results are 64-bit double precision floating point values between 0.0 and 1.0, excluding 0.0 and including 1.0.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGetDirectionVectors32 ( curandDirectionVectors32_t* vectors, curandDirectionVectorSet_t set )
Get direction vectors for 32-bit quasirandom number generation.
- vectors
- - Address of pointer in which to return direction vectors
- set
- - Which set of direction vectors to use
- CURAND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE if the choice of set is invalid
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the pointer was set successfully
Get a pointer to an array of direction vectors that can be used for quasirandom number generation. The resulting pointer will reference an array of direction vectors in host memory.
The array contains vectors for many dimensions. Each dimension has 32 vectors. Each individual vector is an unsigned int.
Legal values for set are:
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGetDirectionVectors64 ( curandDirectionVectors64_t* vectors, curandDirectionVectorSet_t set )
Get direction vectors for 64-bit quasirandom number generation.
- vectors
- - Address of pointer in which to return direction vectors
- set
- - Which set of direction vectors to use
- CURAND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE if the choice of set is invalid
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the pointer was set successfully
Get a pointer to an array of direction vectors that can be used for quasirandom number generation. The resulting pointer will reference an array of direction vectors in host memory.
The array contains vectors for many dimensions. Each dimension has 64 vectors. Each individual vector is an unsigned long long.
Legal values for set are:
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGetProperty ( libraryPropertyType type, int* value )
Return the value of the curand property.
- type
- - CUDA library property
- value
- - integer value for the requested property
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the property value was successfully returned
- CURAND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE if the property type is not recognized
Return in *value the number for the property described by type of the dynamically linked CURAND library.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGetScrambleConstants32 ( unsigned int** constants )
Get scramble constants for 32-bit scrambled Sobol' .
- constants
- - Address of pointer in which to return scramble constants
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the pointer was set successfully
Get a pointer to an array of scramble constants that can be used for quasirandom number generation. The resulting pointer will reference an array of unsinged ints in host memory.
The array contains constants for many dimensions. Each dimension has a single unsigned int constant.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGetScrambleConstants64 ( unsigned long long** constants )
Get scramble constants for 64-bit scrambled Sobol' .
- constants
- - Address of pointer in which to return scramble constants
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the pointer was set successfully
Get a pointer to an array of scramble constants that can be used for quasirandom number generation. The resulting pointer will reference an array of unsinged long longs in host memory.
The array contains constants for many dimensions. Each dimension has a single unsigned long long constant.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGetVersion ( int* version )
Return the version number of the library.
- version
- - CURAND library version
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the version number was successfully returned
Return in *version the version number of the dynamically linked CURAND library. The format is the same as CUDART_VERSION from the CUDA Runtime. The only supported configuration is CURAND version equal to CUDA Runtime version.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandSetGeneratorOffset ( curandGenerator_t generator, unsigned long long offset )
Set the absolute offset of the pseudo or quasirandom number generator.
- generator
- - Generator to modify
- offset
- - Absolute offset position
- CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if generator offset was set successfully
Set the absolute offset of the pseudo or quasirandom number generator.
All values of offset are valid. The offset position is absolute, not relative to the current position in the sequence.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandSetGeneratorOrdering ( curandGenerator_t generator, curandOrdering_t order )
Set the ordering of results of the pseudo or quasirandom number generator.
- generator
- - Generator to modify
- order
- - Ordering of results
- CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
- CURAND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE if the ordering is not valid
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if generator ordering was set successfully
Set the ordering of results of the pseudo or quasirandom number generator.
Legal values of order for pseudorandom generators are:
Legal values of order for quasirandom generators are:
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandSetPseudoRandomGeneratorSeed ( curandGenerator_t generator, unsigned long long seed )
Set the seed value of the pseudo-random number generator.
- generator
- - Generator to modify
- seed
- - Seed value
- CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
- CURAND_STATUS_TYPE_ERROR if the generator is not a pseudorandom number generator
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if generator seed was set successfully
Set the seed value of the pseudorandom number generator. All values of seed are valid. Different seeds will produce different sequences. Different seeds will often not be statistically correlated with each other, but some pairs of seed values may generate sequences which are statistically correlated.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandSetQuasiRandomGeneratorDimensions ( curandGenerator_t generator, unsigned int num_dimensions )
Set the number of dimensions.
- generator
- - Generator to modify
- num_dimensions
- - Number of dimensions
- CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
- CURAND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE if num_dimensions is not valid
- CURAND_STATUS_TYPE_ERROR if the generator is not a quasirandom number generator
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if generator ordering was set successfully
Set the number of dimensions to be generated by the quasirandom number generator.
Legal values for num_dimensions are 1 to 20000.
- curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandSetStream ( curandGenerator_t generator, cudaStream_t stream )
Set the current stream for CURAND kernel launches.
- generator
- - Generator to modify
- stream
- - Stream to use or NULL for null stream
- CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
- CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if stream was set successfully
Set the current stream for CURAND kernel launches. All library functions will use this stream until set again.