foreach: Provides Foreach Looping Construct

Support for the foreach looping construct. Foreach is an idiom that allows for iterating over elements in a collection, without the use of an explicit loop counter. This package in particular is intended to be used for its return value, rather than for its side effects. In that sense, it is similar to the standard lapply function, but doesn't require the evaluation of a function. Using foreach without side effects also facilitates executing the loop in parallel.

Version: 1.5.2
Depends: R (≥ 2.5.0)
Imports: codetools, utils, iterators
Suggests: randomForest, doMC, doParallel, testthat, knitr, rmarkdown
Published: 2022-02-02
Author: Folashade Daniel [cre], Hong Ooi [ctb], Rich Calaway [ctb], Microsoft [aut, cph], Steve Weston [aut]
Maintainer: Folashade Daniel <fdaniel at>
License: Apache License (== 2.0)
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: README NEWS
In views: HighPerformanceComputing
CRAN checks: foreach results


Reference manual: foreach.pdf
Vignettes: foreach


Package source: foreach_1.5.2.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): foreach_1.5.2.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): foreach_1.5.2.tgz, r-release (x86_64): foreach_1.5.2.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): foreach_1.5.2.tgz
Old sources: foreach archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: adabag, biganalytics, bigparallelr, bigSurvSGD, bumphunter, cellmigRation, CenBAR, cffdrs, changepointTests, cnvGSA, conformalClassification, CoTiMA, crso, cubfits, datanugget, Diderot, DNMF, doFuture, doMC, doMPI, doParallel, doRedis, doRNG, doSNOW, DTRlearn2, ellipticalsymmetry, ENmix, epihet, EPX, evian, flowMerge, GA, gam, gamlss.foreach, GAparsimony, GaussianHMM1d, genlogis, GiNA, gmDatabase, gpmap, HMMcopula, idmTPreg, iIneq, integIRTy, kcpRS, LEANR, LipidMS, localgauss, mbclusterwise, MEGENA, MineICA, MixedIndTests, MixRF, MonoInc, MoonlightR, mSimCC, mutSignatures, octad, PAGWAS, penDvine, perspectev, PortfolioAnalytics, pwrEWAS, ramr, ramsvm, randomGLM, RegParallel, REPTILE, RGBM, rlfsm, Rlof, RootsExtremaInflections, RPPASPACE, s4vd, SCAN.UPC, scRNAtools, SEA, selfingTree, SeqKat, sglOptim, simMP, SIMMS, SISIR, skewMLRM, sms, SpeTestNP, sRDA, sta, survSNP, TPEA, turboEM, vtpnet, weightQuant, yaConsensus
Reverse imports: AATtools, abcrf, abn, adamethods, adapt4pv, adaptDiag, ADAPTS, adductomicsR, adjustedCurves, ADMM, ADMMsigma, AEenrich, aliases2entrez, AMARETTO, ANCOMBC, AneuFinder, ApacheLogProcessor, APIS, arf, Arothron, asremlPlus, assignPOP, astrochron, atakrig, autohrf, autoMrP, autoRasch, autostsm, AZIAD, BaalChIP, bagged.outliertrees, BANDITS, basket, bastah, BayesBinMix, bayNorm, bdc, BDWreg, benchmarkme, bestNormalize, betaclust, betapart, bhmbasket, biclustermd, BIEN, bigsnpr, bigstatsr, bingat, biomod2, biosurvey, bisque, biwavelet, blackbox, BMTME, bnspatial, bootcluster, bootPLS, BootstrapQTL, borealis, BPRMeth, brada, brainGraph, breakpoint, breakpointR, BSGW, BSL, bst, bstrl, BuyseTest, BVSNLP, calibrar, CalibratR, cape, caret, CARRoT, catlearn, cats, cauchypca, cbl, ccdf, ccmap, cdcatR, cdmTools, celda, cellbaseR, CENFA, censusxy, CFC, cgaim, chicane, chromstaR, CHRONOS, CIDER, CIMTx, circularEV, clespr, clinDR, clogitLasso, clordr, ClusROC, ClustAssess, clustDRM, Clustering, clusterPower, ClustVarLV, clustvarsel, CNVPanelizer, CNVScope, cogena, CohortPlat, cola, colocalized, comapr, COMPASS, ComplexHeatmap, Compositional, conclus, CONFESS, CoNI, conleyreg, ConR, conStruct, contsurvplot, CopernicusDEM, copyseparator, corr2D, Counterfactual, covdepGE, CovTools, CoxICPen, cpfa, cpi, creditmodel, CRImage, crlmm, crosstalkr, CRTConjoint, csa, cutpointr, CVglasso, cvwrapr, cytominer, DAISIE, DAPAR, dartR, dataprep, DatastreamDSWS2R, dcanr, DCD, dCovTS, DCSmooth, deconvR, DeepBlueR, deepgp, DegNorm, DEGRE, deltaccd, DepecheR, detectR, detrendr, DifferentialRegulation, Dire, Directional, disaggregation, dissever, distantia, distinct, DistributionFitR, dMod, DMtest, dQTG.seq, drimmR, DTDA, DTDA.cif, dtwclust, dtwSat, dynamAedes, dynetNLAResistance, DynForest, E4tools, earlygating, ecoCopula, econet, ecospat, EFDR, EGRET, ei, eicm, EmiStatR, eNchange, ENMeval, enmSdmX, enpls, EnsembleBase, envi, EpiMix, EpiModel, EpiSemble, ESTER, EstimDiagnostics, EventPointer, ewoc, ExpImage, exuber, ezCutoffs, fabisearch, fabMix, FairMclus, fastcmprsk, fastLink, fastnet, FAVAR, fcScan, fda.usc, fdaMocca, fdANOVA, fdasrvf, fect, FGLMtrunc, fHMM, fiberLD, FilterFFPE, finnts, fitPoly, flintyR, FMM, forecastHybrid, ForestTools, FourWayHMM, FSelectorRcpp, FunChIP, FuncNN, funData, funGp, FuzzyClass, fuzzyforest, fxTWAPLS, GALLO, gambin, gamCopula, gamreg, gamsel, gapclosing, gapfill, gbts, gdm, gdpc, GENLIB, GenomAutomorphism, GEOfastq, geoTS, gep2pep, gespeR, gestate, gfiExtremes, GGIR, GGMnonreg, GLIDE, glmm, glmnet, glmtlp, glmtrans, gmGeostats, GmicR, GMMAT, gofCopula, GOpro, GPM, gratis, growthcleanr, gsbm, gscaLCA, GSgalgoR, gsrs, gsynth, GUniFrac, GWEX, GWLelast, GWpcor, GWPR.light, GWRM, hdbinseg, HDCI, hdnom, HDtest, HEMDAG, hettx, HextractoR, hiAnnotator, HIMA, hindex, hlt, HMP, HMPTrees, hscovar, hwep, hybridEnsemble, hybridModels, hypervolume, icardaFIGSr, icenReg, IceSat2R, IDmining, IDSL.CSA, IDSL.FSA, IDSL.IPA, IDSL.NPA, IDSL.UFA, IDSL.UFAx, IETD, IFAA, ihclust, ILoReg, imabc, imageseg, IMAS, inctools, infercnv, Information, Infusion, intamap, intccr, InteractionPoweR, interflex, intmed, iprior, isocat, isoWater, IVAS, iZID, jackstrap, JMbayes, joineRML, JOUSBoost, jSDM, kdevine, kernelshap, kernhaz, kfa, kissDE, kko, Kmedians, knnp, KScorrect, LACE, landsepi, latentcor, latrend, lboxcox, LCAvarsel, lcc, ldamatch, ldsep, ldsr, LeArEst, LEGIT, lfl, lfmm, liGP, limorhyde2, lnmCluster, logiBin, LOMAR, lpirfs, lsbclust, LWFBrook90R, M3C, mable, MachineShop, MAGEE, MAGNAMWAR, MAI, MarketMatching, Markovchart, marqLevAlg, matchFeat, MatrixMixtures, mazeinda, mbest, mclustAddons, MCPModBC, MCPtests, MDBED, Mediana, MedianaDesigner, Melissa, MERO, merTools, messina, metagenomeSeq, metaplus, MethylMix, metsyn, MFPCA, MFSIS, mgwrsar, mi4p, miceRanger, MicrobiomeStat, MicrobiotaProcess, midasml, mimi, MiMIR, mina, minimaxdesign, MinimumDistance, miRspongeR, misclassGLM, missForest, missMDA, mistral, ML.MSBD, MLSeq, mmb, modeltime, modeltime.ensemble, molic, momentuHMM, MoMPCA, monoClust, moreparty, Morpho, mpath, MPI, mplot, mpower, MRFA, mrMLM, mrMLM.GUI, MSA2dist, msaenet, MSCquartets, MSinference, mslp, MSnID, MSPRT, msPurity, mSTEM, MSTest, mstherm, mtlgmm, multiApply, multilevelcoda, multinomialLogitMix, multiOmicsViz, MultipleBubbles, MultIS, MXM, myTAI, mzID, NADIA, NAP, NCA, nestedcv, netcom, netDx, netprioR, NetRep, NetSAM, nett, NetworkDistance, NetworkExtinction, NetworkToolbox, netZooR, NeuroDecodeR, nimbleCarbon, nlstac, NMF, noisyr, NonParRolCor, npcs, npregfast, nprotreg, NRejections, OBL, odpc, oem, oligoClasses, OmicKriging, opdisDownsampling, openPrimeR, opGMMassessment, optimalFlow, ORION, ormBigData, otrimle, packMBPLSDA, PADOG, paleoTS, parallelML, paramsim, ParBayesianOptimization, ParetoPosStable, parglms, parseRPDR, PAsso, PAST, pathfindR, pbo, pcoxtime, pdp, peakPantheR, pec, peco, pencal, pencopulaCond, personalized, personalized2part, pGRN, phenex, PhenoGeneRanker, phenopix, phers, PhylogeneticEM, phyloseq, PINSPlus, pksensi, Platypus, PLMIX, plnr, pmparser, PNAR, poems, polymapR, polypharmacy, polyqtlR, polywog, pomdp, poolfstat, potential, POUMM, powerTCR, ppcseq, PQLseq, preciseTAD, predhy, primerTree, ProcMod, productivity, ProFound, prospectr, psborrow, psgp, ptairMS, PTE, purgeR, qfa, QTL.gCIMapping, QTL.gCIMapping.GUI, QUALYPSO, qualypsoss, quantro, quickNmix, QurvE, R2MLwiN, RABR, RAEN, RaJIVE, randomLCA, randomUniformForest, RaSEn, rassta, rasterdiv, rayshader, rBayesianOptimization, Rbec, rcarbon, Rcpi, Rcrawler, ReactomeContentService4R, ReactomeGraph4R, redist, redistmetrics, refreg, regDIF, regRSM, ReIns, relgam, rem, remiod, REMP, rENA, representr, resemble, rgenius, RGMM, rGREAT, RHybridFinder, riAFTBART, RiboDiPA, rifi, RISCA, riskRegression, riverconn, RJcluster, RKEEL, rliger, RLumCarlo, RMixtCompIO, RMTL, Rnmr1D, RobGARCHBoot, robmixglm, robust2sls, robustBLME, robustrao, Robyn, RolDE, ROptimus, RprobitB, rrepast, RRphylo, RRreg, RSC, rSHAPE, rsppfp, RStoolbox, rTLS, runexp, rusda, RZooRoH, SAMGEP, santaR, sars, SAVER, SC3, scBio, scCB2, scDHA, SCOPE, scoper, SCOR, scorecard, SCORNET, scpi, scRecover, scTEP, secsse, seeker, segmentr, segMGarch, semsfa, semverutils, sen2r, sensitivity, SenTinMixt, sentometrics, seqest, seqimpute, SGP, shazam, shinyepico, SIDES, SimDesign, SimFFPE, simphony, simPop, SimSurvey, SingleCellSignalR, sivs, skpr, skyscapeR, SLEMI, SLOPE, smacof, smam, smartsnp, smog, sMSROC, SNPannotator, soundgen, sparr, sparrpowR, SparseMDC, spatialRF, spatPomp, speaq, spectr, sperich, sphunif, splitSelect, spmoran, spOccupancy, SPONGE, SPUTNIK, ss3sim, ssdtools, SSLR, Sstack, stablespec, stacks, StAMPP, staRdom, starvars, STATegRa, statgenMPP, statGraph, stfit, StochBlock, stR, StrucDiv, sureLDA, survidm, TAG, taxize, TDApplied, telefit, tempoR, TestDesign, text2map, TGS, tidyclust, tigger, tip, TitanCNA, TPP, TPP2D, track2KBA, trackeR, trackeRapp, TraMineRextras, transcriptogramer, transfR, TRexSelector, TriadSim, TRONCO, truh, tsDyn, tsensembler, tsmp, TSP, tune, ubiquity, ukbtools, Uniquorn, unsystation, updog, utr.annotation, VanillaICE, varclust, vardpoor, variancePartition, varitas, varTestnlme, vectorwavelet, vennLasso, VIC5, viscomplexr, vmeasur, VSURF, VUROCS, wavClusteR, WebGestaltR, WEE, WGCNA, wkNNMI, worldmet, WRTDStidal, xcore, xray, xrnet, YaleToolkit, ZIPFA
Reverse suggests: AdaptGauss, ade4, admix, antaresRead, arrangements, azuremlsdk, batchtools, bayesboot, BayesFactor, binomialRF, BiocParallel, blockmodeling, BloodCancerMultiOmics2017, cardelino, CircSpaceTime, clustermq, combiter, CPAT, data.tree, datafsm, dcGOR, DEoptim, DiceKriging, dispositionEffect, Distance, dnet, dplR, drtmle, ecpc, eyetrackingR, fdrci, FinancialInstrument, FixedPoint, fxregime, GENIE3, ggroups, GMCM, greybox, hsdar, Interatrix, InterpretMSSpectrum, intkrige, ISAnalytics, iterators, iterpc, itertools, JWileymisc, kergp, kfino, kselection, lavaSearch2, legion, limorhyde, lmeresampler, mikropml, MKclass, MKmisc, MoBPS, MOFA2, msm, neuroim, NPflow, paxtoolsr, Pi, piRF, plyr, pre, progressr, projpred, protr, ptycho, R.SamBada, RAINBOWR, RBesT, rcellminer, RcisTarget, RCTS, rDNAse, rioja, rlibkriging, RnBeads, robustbase, safe, scanstatistics, sgsR, simsalapar, smooth, spaMM, sparklyr, SpatialPosition, steps, StepwiseTest, strucchange, strucchangeRcpp, SuRF.vs, swag, tableschema.r, TcGSA, treedater, wflo
Reverse enhances: AUCell, CellNOptR, CNORode


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